
Advice please......?

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my g/f and i have been together almost 8 months.. she's very very sensitive to words or criticism at all... so everytime we fight , the things i say really sting her.. and she doesn't get over them fora few days... we broke up tonight for the 43rd time b/c of this.... i do get mad quite easy so it doesn't seem like a good combination.. should i just let it go this time and stop trying to make it work??




  1. tell her that she shouldn't get so sensistive over things that you say in the spur of the moment. if you fight all the time maybe you arent right for eachother...

  2. Unless you're willing to change, just leave her alone. It's a two-way thing and I understand that you take credit on your part but admitting and trying to fix things are two diff. things.

  3. sometimes there are just things that are not meant to probably your relationship with this girl....come on....43rd time in 8 months? i think that alone says a lot...if both of you truly love each other...your partner's faults wouldn't matter much and you'd let the little things that irritate you pass you by....but as you said...she makes a fight out of every word you say....and maybe you should just swallow words of criticisms to prevent the 2 of you from fighting...

  4. If you really want it to work, why not learn how?  

    Your g/f should be your very best friend and as such you should treat her like a best friend (assuming you even know what that means) and my understanding of a best friend is that you do not 'get mad' or abusive or any other unfriendly behavior such as you described.  You should first of all learn exactly what a best friend is and become one to her (b/f).  

    Then google relationship tips and learn exactly and in detail how to make a good relationshp between two best friends.

  5. let her go b/c you are not of her type

  6. Try aroma therapy, the fragrance would make you less irritable. Good luck for you two!
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