
Advice to get into teaching?

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I am 30 years old and graduated from college 8 years ago with a B.A. in communication. I spent several years in insurance, but became a substitute teacher this past January. I would like to go back to college to get my certification for elementary eduation, but am unsure of my best course of action. I currently live in GA but will be moving in 1-2 years. I'm hesitant to go back to school and then have to move before I finish. I'm tempted to look into online education, but am afraid in different parts of the country it may be frowned upon. Also, would looking for a masters program where I could become certified be better than going for another B.A., or would that price me out of a job? Any advice would be appreciated.




  1. Many second career teachers complete programs as a Masters.  I just finished a Masters program and will be student teaching in the fall, after which I will be certified to teach.  In my opinion, I would stay away from online education just because I feel that you gain so much from going to the class and interacting with your peers.  That is what the basis of the courses were for me and I got a lot out of it.  However, to each his own and I understand that.  I would suggest looking into what is offered at colleges in your area.  Are you interested in elementary or high school?  Be advised that the 'teacher shortage' is essentially not there in elementary (this does not mean that you will not get a job, there are just fewer out there), but there are some shortage areas including special education, amongst others.  Like I said, I will be finishing a program in a year and a half, and there are others around here that are done in one school year, so it all depends on what is offered in your area.  You will definitely want to find a program that will allow you to student teach because that will give you valuable classroom experience that you will need.  If you can complete something like an internship as well, even better.  Congrats on deciding to become a teacher and best of luck!

  2. I also graduated with a BA in communication and am now a teacher.  In some cities, they are desparate for teachers and will train you while you are working as a teacher.  In Milwaukee you can get certified for bilingual education or special education without an education degree.  

    It was really hard, but worth it. Do some research on urban areas and alternative certification.

  3. Alternative teaching certification is becoming increasingly popular.  I wouldn't suggest going back to school for a Bachelor's in Education.  Do alternative teaching certification, then if you want, you can do an M.A. in Education.

  4. move, then enroll in a local college if possible...enough qualified teachers have left the profession in total disgust, that there IS a very real shortage of teachers in our country...what ever you do, know your subject.... good luck

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