
Advice with dancing hip-hop???

by  |  earlier

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So like, Ive been dancing for a while, and I learned a training section today. With the mirror, I was comparing my self to the instructor and his moves for some reason were better, I guess more smooth, I'm not totally sure. When I saw how much of the difference there was I was paying attention to every detail he did when he was teaching us, but still this did not work.

I got the choreo all down but I can't do it look nice or at its best. He did not make the choreo so its not like he knows exactly how the moves go but it was still really smooth and professional. I REALLY wanted to make the moves like his, but no matter how hard I try, the flow of the moves when I connect them don't seem right, or at least thats what I think.

I really want to get better and no matter what I do it still seems not work. I even look at, where is his other hand, how far is he bent down, what is the exact motion, is he still bent down, I always try to do the most detail but still i dont have it.





  1. you have to feel the music.

    let ur muscles move freely.

    if ur worried about exact positioning ur muscles tense up and its not smooth.

    try it slower and then just pretend ur telling a story, with your body. dont worry too much HOW you look like until after you got the flow going. =]

  2. Don't try to copy someone else dance moves because you want it to look good. You want to make your dancing feel natural and do whatever feels best for your own body.

  3. dont try to copy your teacher. you need to try and find your own way of getting to look good. you might think that his dancing looks good but the audience might not so find your own style that you think everyone will like. also keep practicing this dance and you will have it looking great in no time. you will get it smooth after a matter of time and you will get used to what comes next and you will know it back to front. this is the key of getting it smooth: knowing what comes next. keep up the good work.

    Hope i have helped


  4. You're thinking too hard.

    Stop trying to imitate his every move.

    Hip-hop is about putting your own flavor into the routine.

    Also, you have to FEEL the music.

    Listen to the music over and over until you can hear exactly where the move meets each part of the music.

    It'll help a lot.

    I'm a dancer too; I know the feeling. =]

  5. his body isn't your body, maybe you do know how to do it, you just don't see it, because all your looking at is his body, not yours,

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