
Advil/tylenol and drugs like that always make me drowsy and feel weird. I need alternative meds! help!?

by Guest57797  |  earlier

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well i have had a headache accompanied by a toothache(wisdom tooth) for the last two days. whenever i take tylenol or advil it always makes me drowsy and feel weird and doesnt really help all that much. Is there any alternatives to drugs like that? anything natural i could take or something? anyone's advice would be great! thanks




  1. If you're allergic to aspirin, you probably shouldn't take aspirin-like herbs, either. It may be an allergy to salicytates. This is the first I've heard of that as a side effect which makes me think allergy. FYI  you should not give either aspirin or its natural herbal alternatives to children who have pain with viral infections such as colds or flu--Reye's syndrome. Many people don't think of the herbal alternative although most of us know about aspirin and Reyes.

    Anyways.....willow bark is the equivalent of aspirin. Clove oil is higher recommended for toothache pain. Put it on the painful tooth.

    I had a toothache from infection that NOTHING would touch. My face swelled like a baseball. Get to the dentist asap, even ER if it gets real bad like that. The only relief in that case is to get it pulled, at least in my case.

  2. For a headache I would recommend a product called "White Flower"  which contains wintergreen, menthol, and camphor.  It is available at most health food stores and helps on muscle pains also, just rub it on your temples, but don't get too close to your eyes because they might start to burn/water.  Also, you might try peppermint oil, rub a little on your wrist so you can smell it all day long, it helps with my headaches also.

  3. If you're not driving, nothing beats alcohol or poppy tea.  But I'm afraid there are no non-dowsy pain killers except topical anesthetics.

  4. You should try naproxen sodium. I've been taking it the last couple of days for pain and it works great and hasn't caused me to fee drowsy or weird. You may just need to try a few different types of pain medication until you find the right one for you. Good luck.

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