
Advise for finishing high school with college credits earned?

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I would like to get college credit while home schooling high school years. Have any of you done this?




  1. Most local Junir community colleges offer classes to high school students. Sometimes you need clearance from your school admin, but you will definately need a parent or guardian to sign paperwork/admission stuff when you enroll.

    In the schools I have been to, the classes are offered to all who want them, no limits. So you shouldnt have a problem-- just go to the local colleges' websites and check out their admission guidlines etc, and catalog, and apply-- enroll--register.


    Oh and yes, I took English 1, Psych 1, Speech 1 all my junior year of high school. I reccomend it, because English 1A in college is just stupid, with stupid people. All the smart kids take English 1A in high school. Its your biggest pre req, and must be completed to enroll in almost anything.

  2. You can do a duel credit course. I've taken 2 CLEPs, working on my third.

    Basically you take one course and get credit for the high school course and college.

    Not quite sure on all the details, but a GREAT site for studying for the CLEP tests is The test itself is multiple choice, but instantcert is fill in the blank, so if you can nail instantcert, you've got the test in the bag.

    But it's suggested that you go through a textbook first.

    To take the test, you have to register as a student at a local community college (which doesn't cost any money until you take classes). From there you can just schedule when you want to take your test, and there you go. It costs about $60 I believe to take the test.

    Hope this was helpful!

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