
Advise from women? NO MEN!?

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i'm on my period and i want to read the translation of the meaning of the Quran, however Allah's (SWT) name is written on in it and things like "peace and blessings of Allah be upon him" to our prophet (SAW) in arabic.

does that mean that i cannot read it, if it has Allah's name (may He be Glorified, The Creator of all that exists) written in arabic until my period is over?

Jazak'Allahu Kkairan! =)





    You can read the Quran's translation and any book really.

    As long as you do not touch the Quran itself unless you wear gloves.

    that's all.  

  2. I am not islam. why dont you convert to Jew instead ?

  3. Yes you can read it, just don't touch the Quran itself.

    When i'm on my period, sometimes i get the Quran or translation on my computer, i can either read it from there or have it playing and just follow it. That way i'm not touching any holy books, and i'm still remembering Allah and reciting the Quran.

  4. Isn't it mind boogling that they think that the "real" Quran " can only be in Arabic and therefore women during menstruation cannot touch it ( which is biased and untrue ) but somehow if it's in english it's okay .

    Completely mind boggling , at least for me . They contradict themselves , contadict their own contradiction then have the audacity to come up with man made sexist rules as if it doesn;t offend us women .

    I'm offended thank you very much. There's nothing wrong with a women's period , period.  

  5. ye cant even say anything from the holy qura'n till its over

  6. nope

  7. The use of tweezers and two mirrors is the only solution to this difficult conundrum.I'm a transvestite so that makes it ok for me to answer.

  8. Okay, okay, I won't comment because I'm a male.  Wasn't that prophet Muhammad a male however?  Your asking for help, and you don't want males to comment, yet it was a male that causes you all your problems?   That makes a lot of sense??  

  9. ?

  10. I think a belief that makes you feel unclean when you are on your period is dreadful!

    If Allah creator of all, created your period then he should not be ashamed about it.  

    I feel very sad that you have been led into these beliefs, which are designed to make you feel bad to be a woman.

  11. No you are not allowed not even whilst wearing gloves.  It is a translation of the Holy Quran and it should be respected as a Quran.  During this period am sure you would be able to find lots of other book as such to read would help you sister.

  12. HAHAHA What the F**K

  13. I am man if you don't like to read this answer don't read, if u think it is good to read then read.

    Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Sister in Islam, we do really appreciate your question, which shows how far you are interested in getting yourself well-aquatinted with Islam and its teachings. May Allah bless your efforts in the pursuit of knowledge!

    As for your question, we would like to cite for you the fatwa issued by the Saudi House of Fatwa headed by the late Sheikh `Abdul-`Azeez Ibn Baz, may Allah bless his soul:

    "There is nothing wrong with menstruating woman or a woman in post-natal bleeding to recite the Qur'an, because there is no clear-cut authentic hadith that forbids them from doing so. However, it is reported in an authentic hadith that one who is junub (one in a state of impurity following sexual intercourse or wet dream), must not read the Qur'an while he or she is impure, according to the hadith reported by `Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).

    The hadith reported as regards the menstruating woman and the one experiencing post-natal bleeding reads: 'The menstruating woman and the one who is junub are not to read Qur'an.' This hadith is reported by Ibn `Umar, but it is da`eef (weak), because the hadith was reported by Isma`eel Ibn `Ayyash from the Hijaziyeen, and he is famous for narrating da`eef hadiths from them.

    However, such woman (in menstruation or post-natal bleeding) should not touch the mushaf (a copy of the Qur'an); she can only read from her own memory. As for the junub, he or she is not to recite the Qur'an, whether from memory or from the mushaf, until he or she has performed ghusl (purificatory bath). The difference between them is that the time span for the one who is junub to have himself or herself purified is very short; he or she can do ghusl right away after lovemaking or wet dream. The junub does not stay in this condition for long, and it is up to him/her when he/she wants to make ghusl; if he/she does not find water, he/she can do tayammum (dry ablution) and then he or she can pray and read the Qur'an. But the woman in menses or in post-natal bleeding has no control over her situation – the matter is up to Allah the Almighty.

    Therefore, it is permissible for them to recite the Qur'an so that they do not forget it and they do not miss learning the teachings of Shari`ah from the Book of Allah. If that is the case, then it should certainly be permissible for them to read books containing du`a' (supplication) that are mixed with verses and hadiths, etc. This is the view believed to the most correct."

    You can also read:

    Can Menstruating Women Touch Books Containing Qur’anic Verses?

    Can a Menstruating Woman Read the Qur’an?

  14. You can read the Qur'aan itself according to the correct opinion sis.

  15. Wear rubber gloves. I'm sure that will make it OK.

  16. Well If its not in arabic then yes you can.

  17. yes, you can read the translation of the Holy Quran. its fine to take Allah's name. Scholars of Islam says, that one should try not to move the tongue while reading it and of course not touching it. but you can just open the page and read it whitout moving your tongue. just read with your eyes... m talking about the big surahs like Surah Al Bakrah, Al-Rahman, Yaseen and many more. small surahs like Surah Ikhlaas, Ayat ul kursi, Al-Naas etc can be read even by moving your tongue.

    one shall not touch quran in the state of impurity ~!

  18. by saying "no men!" ur gna attract men to open ur question lol

    wear gloves when reading the quran when you're on

  19. It is ok to touch al Quran while on your period. Whether it's in English or in Arabic, you can still touch it and read it. Think about it logically: If a woman is impure due to post-natal bleeding is she supposed to distance herself from Allah's word for a month? No. Touching and reading the Quran for education purposes is absolutely fine. And, most of us are reading Quran to learn something new, or to grasp a better understanding of something. How can you practice Tajweed everyday if you put the Quran down for a week every month?

    We are allowed to make du'a while on our menses..don't we say bismillah? While on her menses a woman is not allowed to perform Salaah, or Fast. Those are the only restrictions.

    And that stuff about reading shorter surahs out loud and reading longer surahs silently...HUH? It's still Al Quran! It's all from the same book.  

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