
Advise needed for pups ear infection?

by Guest62936  |  earlier

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My Bichon frise has an ear infection and my vet told me i have to pluck the hairs from inside his ears before i use the treatment given.

The thing is when i pluck his ears he is in a great deal of pain and i can't do it cause he's so young and i hate seeing him cry.

Is their any other method i could try to remove the hairs from inside his ears?




  1. Unfortunately it is going to be painful since he has the infection.The vet really should have plucked the hairs out when you had the dog in for the exam and diagnosis.Have the vet do it this time.Then if you do it on a regular basis like once a month he will mind it less and it won't bother so if his ears are clean and clear of infection..In long haired dogs some hairs do go down deep into the ear.These are really the ones you need to keep out because these are the hairs that will hold in wax and dirt.

  2. i dont see why you would have to do that if you are putting the medicine inside the hollow of his ear canal there should be no long hairs in there anyways.  

  3. You could take him to the groomer and get them to do it. They'll have it done in no time and you won't have to be the bad guy.

  4. ask ur vet if he will do it for u! Or try a groomer!

  5. Try phoning a groomer and ask if they will pluck your pups ears or try asking your vet if he will pluck the ears. My Bichon/Shih tzu x had an ear infection when he was 4 months old and when we took him to the vet they plucked the ears and then showed us how to put the medication into the ear canals.

  6. visit the following url

  7. I have 3 bichons and I was told to do this-the groomers will do it for you but it does hurt them.In the end I let the vet put them under light anasthetic to clean the hairs out.

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