
Advise the man as to his potential criminal liability

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The man throws a pint of beer over the woman. He throws the glass causing deep cuts to the woman’s face. When questioned the man claims that he only meant to throw the beer at the woman as a bit of fun.

Advise the man as to his potential criminal liability




  1. Did the cops say anything like give him a ticket to appear for causing bodily harm to someone else?

    I'd say it would depend on what happened exactly.. And if the girl knew he was kidding or whatever she could tell them that or has she told them that?

    best of luck

  2. It doesn't matter if this was supposedly done in fun, he is still liable for damages and pain & suffering. He better hope the woman has no visible scars from his "fun." He will have to pay for medical expenses and likely be sued in addition. He will learn a lesson that it wasn't "fun" to do something this stupid because he hurt the woman. A costly mistake.

  3. Not only does he have criminal liabilities for assault, but there are civil liablities as well. Just the legal fees alone is mind boggling, for such a stupid crime. He is looking at least 6 months in jail and thats the least of his worries. Punitive damages will leave him bankrupt.

  4. The court will most likely push for felony assault and battery, but it sounds more like a drunk and disorderly with second-degree assault.

  5. It sounds like assault and battery.  It could be called assault with intent to do bodily harm.  It could be prosecuted as felony assault.

  6. he's in the deep s**t.  assault occassioning actual bodily harm, section 4 public order, criminal damage, negilgence tort and more,

    if his actions were because she initaitlly attacked him and he acted in self defence then as long as it is considered 'reasonable' to throw beer at the woman the fact she received a cut from the glass may be irrelevant if by accident in defending himself, there is a tort in english law (on which u.s law is based that says) you cant start something them complain about the conseqencies if you get hurt, but its in latin and i cant remember it, its someting like .... 'non injuris preducia' + more

    anyway the bottom line is, if he attacked her then he's in deep do-do, if he was defending himself from her attack and his 'story' holds water then he might get away with it

  7. The mans claims only admitted his guilt in the matter

    the results of what happened are all that matter

    you can be charged with felony assualt

    you are totally responsible for all medical bills

    and she can sue you personally for any cosmetic surgery and/or perceived harm (she can claim you ruined her chances to be a model and sue for all future earnings etc etc etc)

    saying you only meant a little fun really isn't any kind of defense, its like shooting someone in the head and saying "i didnt think it was loaded" you still get to go to jail for murder...

  8. That's assault and battery, pure and simple. And if that's his only defense, he'd better start planning his plea for sentencing leniency.

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