
Aere you easily influenced by other people??

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Aere you easily influenced by other people??




  1. I would like to think I'm not but actually I am and so are most other people. Other people help shape my opinions but I think this is a posisitive thing because by sharing their opinions, they enable me to view everything from different angles before decide on my own opinion. Most of us are influenced very easily by others, it's an evoloutionary trait which would help us survive a nomadic lifestyle and it does not make us into sheep as so many people think.

  2. ~Not really.  I'm a very independent thinker and admire others with the same quality.~

  3. i try hard not to be even when this people are in form of institutions....but i admitt i succeded just because there is a man  who is a clif to me

  4. okay, it seems like there are alot of dishonest people on this website. everyone is influenced by other people in some way or another, whether they wish to admit it or not.

    it's not a quality i'm proud of, but yes, i am easily influenced by other people. now this doesn't mean i will compromise my morals for superficial people, but it does mean that if a certain pair of cute shoes starts popping up on women all over, i may consider going out and buying a pair.

    it's a natural occurence. it's instinctual. anyone who doesn't allow themselves to be influenced by others is fighting evolution.

  5. Of course not.  Although I admit I fell victim to the influence of your asking this question.  So maybe.....

  6. No and i can't stand to see othes infuenced they just seem brainwashed and it is scary they sound the same talk the same. I can easily predict now what people will say, with their infuences. So it is good for me.

  7. not nearly as much as when I was younger.

    Now I am old enough to know people try to influence you to sell something.

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