
Aerosol Spraying Trails vs Condensation Trails?

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If fine particles (aerosols) were to be sprayed from high altitude jet aircraft, how would the resultant trails differ in their characteristics from the trails left as a result of water vapour condensation from regular commercial aircraft activity?




  1. Honestly this question could be better answered in chemistry than aircraft.  The previous poster is correct though, what it will look like totally depends on the composition of what is hypothetically being sprayed.  I think I know where you're going with this though.  Don't worry, the govt. hasn't contracted Delta Airlines to mist us with a mind control agent.  You can safely take off your protective foil helmet.

    Seriously, there are so many factors that play into this.  You would have to be much more specific.  Like what exactly is being sprayed?  What altitude?  What temperature?  What are the winds doing at that altitude?  What is the humidity?  Basically what are all the atmospheric conditions?  AND, where is the observer relative to the spray?  Where is the sun relative to the spray?.....  It's almost impossible to answer.

    Are you hoping that one of the secret pilots that sprays the top secret aerosol on us will pop on here to answer?  You will probably get a better answer, if any, in the chemistry section.

  2. A lot of things sprayed do not freeze, and do not reflect sunlight like ice does.

    It would take a lot of medium sprayed to act like contrails. The jet engine takes in a lot of water, adds water from the jet fuel, and the combined total is frozen. Also, water ice acts differently than most other things when in the atmosphere.

    Spraying paint, for example, would not be seen, nor would spraying jet fuel or gasoline, or most petro products, and  they  would not persist.



  3. it will freeze up right away, depending on what it is, b/c it is way colder up in those altitudes, and depends on the right conditions, but yea, i think it will leave a frozen trail, and since the can will be much more pressurized, it will spray faster and more

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