
Afalfa Based Guinea Pig Food?

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My guinea pig is 1 month old, and I give him this food everyday, should I change to a different food, or should I keep the one I have now?? If I should change it, what should I get?? Picture please.

His food now:

Thank you for anyone who helps me.




  1. Hi There! well it wouldnt show me the picture but it doesnt matter if you change the food as long as they are getting almost the exact same thing he should be okay. But if it is a totaly changed diet then he could reject it and get sick. While you are changing the diet give him some of his favorite fruits and vegies so he'll get used to eating it. Make sure his 'new' diet has vitamin C, dryied fruits, peas and healthy things for guineas. Make sure this is a slow process. Good Luck! and good eating! -Lily Allen♥☻☺

  2. I used to have some guinea pigs, cute and cuddly little things!

    That's a great question, most people want to change their guinea pig food mostly to give them a variety.

    I suggest not changing your piggies food.  When I changed my pigs food, they didn't eat it.  Your may not eat the new type because it is used to the other food and doesn't know about the other.  

    If you want to give your piggie more of a variety, I suggest buying it some treats or alfalfa.  My guinea pigs LOVED alfalafa!   You can also try feeding it carrots and cucumber.  They like anything green mostly!

    Good luck with your new friend!

  3. That food is a very poor quality food.  The alfalfa part is a smart choice given his age, but the food brand is not at all healthy.  It's the equivalent of living off of McDonalds everyday.

    A good, healthy pellet for him would be one by Oxbow or KM.  These are both high quality foods that don't contain any ingredients that are inappropriate for guinea pigs.

  4. That stuff is good. If you feel it isnt great, go to your pet store and compare that food to kaytee and nutriphase foods, they are the most trusted brands. Check out the ingredients and stuff. If you find one of them is better, slowly start to feed him that instead of the bonanza.

  5. That is a baaaaad food. It's alright for him now, but in the future, it wouldn't be good for him. Alfalfa is very bad for adult guinea pigs. It's alright for pregnant guinea pigs and babies. Since you won't need a new food for a long time, I'm not going to look for a good one for you, but keep in mind the alfalfa thing. Timothy hay is the best!

  6. well. how cute. only 1 month old. my guinea pig is 5 months old.

    well i feed my baby natural guinea pig food. but you should keep that because it gets used to one kind of food. and if you change it well it might not adapt well to it.

  7. Ditto Allisha. Pellets with seeds, nuts and colored bits are very bad. Your guinea pig can choke on that stuff and it is too fattening. They cannot digest that junk naturally.

    You need to find a plain high quality pellet like oxbow or kleenmama.

    Please read up at

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