
Affects On Polar Bears Due To Global Warming?

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I need to know what global warming is doing to the polar bears. About the polar bears habitat.

And No this isn't for a school project, it is for my own reading...




  1. According to the Canadian ministry of natural resources the polar bear population is higher now on total than it has ever been counted before.

    Secondly even though reports this last summer were that the icecap was melting at an alarming rate, this winter it was reported to have frozen at an even greater rate than normal = more ice not less.

  2. Actually, polar bear populations are thriving, and have been for quite some time. Al Gore wants you to think they can't swim and clearly states it-when however they CAN swim. In fact they can swim for hundreds of miles. You never hear about that do you. The polar bears are fine, it's all a scam to get children worried about it and come home to tell their parents about how they need to stop global warming-for the cuddly polar bears! Don't be fooled sweetie

  3. Global warming melts the Arctic Pole and its surroundings. In that way polar bears have to swim longer distances to find a pack of ice where to roam and find animals to eat. They could eat fish but also they have to change their diet. If polar ice continues to melt, polar bears will have to go nearer to human settlements to forage in the garbage. And this also poses a danger to humans.

  4. Polar Bears are classified as Tundra (land) Animals.  See Tundra:

    Click on Polar Bears on this web page:

    Quotes: "Like all bears they will also eat some plants." + "Today there are about 40,000 bears."  (2001 study?)

    They are Strong swimmers said to be able to swim 50 miles at a time.

    Another page:

    Quote:  "After eating 90 pounds of food a day, they can still be hungry."

    No one bothers to count seals - if each adult bear eats one seal every 2 days (150 lb. seal) = how long before they deplete the seal population?  Is that 20,000 adults X 180 days?

    Please picture a Cute Baby Seal being chomped to death by an Ravenous, Fearless Hungry Bear.

    These land animals have probably depleted their food source because of overpopulation.  And Loonies want to put them on the endangered list?!  What about the Cute Baby Seals they eat?

    I see a Soros hireling gave this the thumbs down.

  5. Al Ghore has claimed that polar bears have been found to have drowned because of a lack of sea ice for them to rest on.  This claim was found to be incorrect when some concerned parents in the UK sued the government to try to stop the movie being shown in public schools.  

    Polar bear populations have been increasing over the last 40 years.

  6. While there are a lot of polar bears, they are feeling the effects of the shrinking polar ice cap.  I don't know where I stand on global warming - I am sure humans are having an effect on it, but there have always been periods of warming and cooling on earth.  I just know what I have seen in the Arctic. Polar bears are smaller.  They wander into communities more frequently looking for food.  In summer the polar ice is much less than it used to be - every summer more and more of the old ice melts.  As a result, polar bears have to swim farther to get to the ice, and don't have as much hunting area.  Polar bears eat seals, and the most seals are found around the ice fields.  Because the area of ice is smaller and the area of open ocean larger every summer, the Arctic is heating more and more because the dark ocean absorbs heat from the sun rather than reflects it, so the melting polar ice happens faster each year.  Polar bears like to be around ice, so less ice means less habitat.  Or it means they have to change habitat.  The polar bears around Churchill, Manitoba have changed habitat and have become very accustomed to getting food from areas where there are people - they have learned about garbage dumps and landfill sites.  So the polar bears, like most species, can adapt and change.  That is about what I have observed about it.  I hope these thoughts are of some interest to you.

  7. it is melting the ice and is making the temperature go up and they need to be cold and there food is dying as well. good luck!

  8. Polar bears hunt while walking on ice.  They can swim, but they can't swim any distance and still hunt effectively.

    Cubs can't hunt when they're very young.  So female polar bears must hunt for themselves and their cubs.  With little ice, that becomes very difficult.

    The US government has proposed listing polar bears as an threatened species because of this.  They're stalling a final decision because it would block some oil and gas leases.

    News article here:

  9. According to Fox News (Fair and Balanced!):,2933,2300...

  10. I read a newspaper article recently that said polar bears had been found drowned because they were swimming to where there used to be ice-islands and finding nothing and dying of exhaustion before they could find a landing place.

  11. They have multiplied in numbers five fold in fifty years...  So, they are growing with the plants and trees....

  12. I've seen them being eaten by seals...

    dogs and cats sleeping together

    real rath of god type stuff

  13. Practically none!!

  14. There is no effect. And i say right now global warming is a fraud.

    But to your point. Polar bears can swim for hundreds of miles.

    Their population has been increasing since 1950. They are now almost 5x what they were.

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