
Affiliate Product Marketing, choose product first or niche???

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When setting up an affiliate marketing blog should I choose a product from the Affiliate list first or should i think of my niche then try to find the affiliate product??? thanks on any help you can give.




  1. Hi Simpleon,

      I will highly recommend that first you set up niche because this is where the textial text about your affiliate will lie or be set in.When you set up a niche first you will be in a good position to tell who will be your merchants by that i mean it will give you easy time in choosing affiliate products which match your niche perfectly.I know this affiliate e-book called affiliate masters course please do find your free time and read it because it axplains all this.You can download it free of cost from this site.

  2. First setup a blog keeping in mind the kind of affiliate marketing you are trying to do. To find the proper niche or for more ideas check the link below for complete Affiliate Marketing Guide:

  3. choosing a niche first would give you a headstart.

    Choose a niche with low competition and good demand and

    then choose the top selling product in that niche.

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