
Afflecks Palace??

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In manchester, (England) theres this shop called Affleck's Palace which was meant to be shutting down. I wanted to go tomorrow but I dont fancy making the trip if its not gunna be open, so does anyone know if its still open??




  1. im not sure,but i used to love going there,bought some fab red or dead boots there when i was 16.

    loved it there,i might have a look next week if its still open.

    ah nostalgia.


  2. It has not shut down yet - for the time being it's future is still undecided.  However, it is not open on Sundays.  They have their own website

    Just for the record - Manchester is a great place to visit; there's everything for all ages and tastes.  We had friends from Sussex visiting for the first time last week and they loved it.  They were amazed at how clean it is for such a large city.

  3. i bought a suede jacket there when i was seventeen and when i wore it the following week the ARM fell off on the dancefloor....buyer beware!!!!

    i hope its open................

  4. didn't know it was shutting. It used to be great. My mum always shopped there and I went as a teen. Unfortunately it went a bit dear. It was great in the good old days.

  5. Didn't know it was closing but here's the link to the site maybe they'll know - hope it helps

  6. Palace? In Manchester? I doubt it.

  7. Affleck Palace is still very much open for business. The funding to keep it open has now been secured.

    By the way it is many shops not just "a shop".

    Worth a look if you are in Manchester.
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