
Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions???

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I have recently been denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition and was told that my only option here is South Carolina is to get the high-risk guaranteed insurance that costs almost $900/mo. for a 24 year old female. THIS IS INSANE!!! Am I missing something here?? I can't seriously be this screwed... Can I?




  1. Natbug,

    I'm afraid our health care system is just as broken as everyone keeps saying it is!

    There's a very good article at eHow that discusses how to get health insurance for you and your family when you don't have a job that covers you:

    How to Get Health Insurance

    Take a look at it, as it covers all the major possibilities for getting insurance, and gives some great resources you can use.

    All the best.

  2. Try this one - - I personally have their health insurance. As I know they can provide coverage with preexisting condition and not such expensive.

  3. Well, you can be this screwed.  

    The BEST thing to do, is to get a job, with health benefits.  After your 12 - 18 month waiting period is up, your preexisting conditions will then be covered.

    Health insurance is JUST like the lottery.  You have to buy your ticket BEFORE the number comes up, not after.  After, it's too late.    Not buying insurance because you're young & healthy & want to save money, when you're 20, well, this is a natural consequence.  MOST 24 year olds don't have stuff go wrong with them.  You're one of the unlucky ones.  

    Group coverage, through an employer's plan, is the ONLY affordable option.

  4. What helped me is I found an insurance broker, that shopped around for me and found a company that would take me on. Blue Cross Blue Shield is a good one., but try find a competent insurance broker that understands your situation.

  5. Find a job that offers group health insurance.  Most of those policies will take all comers as part of their agreement with the employer.  They figure that there might be some really sick employees, but that most ppl won't get sick.   Most city and county jobs and state jobs have group health insurance as part of the benefits package.  It's hard for individuals to go and buy health insurance on their own (even healthy individuals). Well, if you go with Blue Cross Blue Shield, you're on your own.  Those guys are on the look out big time for ppl with pre-existing conditions and if they found out you lied about your health on your application, they will demand repayment of the bills and will report you to credit reporting agencies if you refuse to pay the money back.  Some Blue Cross policies have a waiting period where any claims sent in the first 6 months is considered "pre-existing" and is not covered.  No, it's not fair and that's why I try to avoid Blue Cross in my area.

  6. One of my friends asked me this sort of questions before,she found helpful here.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  7. If your pre-existing condition is one that makes you high risk, then unfortunately that sounds about right.

    ($900 isn't even that bad of a price for a plan that covers pre-existing plans...I know of high risk plans in Ohio that cost $2,000 or more a month to enroll.)

    If you can't afford the $900 a month premium, you have 3 options:

    1)  Get a job that offers group health benefits.  (Or marry someone and become an eligible spouse on a group plan.)

    2)  Qualify for Medicaid

    3)  Go without coverage and pay out of your pocket for doctor/medical/prescription costs.

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