This last year I was riding with some family friends and they taught me how to barrel race, I entered into some competitions and for my first year of every knowing what barrel racing was I managed a 19.1 seconds for a time. This year I am riding with them again and hopefully I can get it even lower but they are thinking of selling their only barrel horse they have, which means I cant ride anymore.. I want to buy my own horse but I am only 13 and have to way to make the money to afford it monthly or even buy the horse. How could I do it? Any suggestions?
My mom is in alot of debt and cant help at all and my dad is to much of a -beep- to give a c**p about me.. None of my other family members think I should even be involved with horses so they are no help either..
None of the stables here will hire a 13 year old and nor will any other place (child labor laws, ugh).. I have tried to voluteer at a rescue but im still to young. PLEASE HELP!
Any suggestions are great. Thanks.