
Afraid Of Roller Coasters! What Should I Do....?

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well im going 2 six flags tomorrow, & my friends wants me 2 go on the boss but i dont want 2 she just doesnt understand. it rele looks rele fun but people say it gives u a bad headace. so what should i do? go on it or not? & if i do decided to go on it wat r some ways that i wont be scared anymore?




  1. Go on the boss if you want to but just bring asprin with you, just in case you get a headache and go on it.  I've been scared of coasters and I still am a little bit.  I remember my friend getting me on Silver Bullet and got me addicted to it, we ended up going on four times in a day! It was fun and the adrenaline rush and screaming made me forget about it.   Don't think about it and have fun screaming and getting an adrenaline rush.

  2. Don't let anyone pressure you into going on it, but I didn't go on this massive ride once, and I completely regretted it... Just enjoy yourself and have fun!!! :)

  3. This is one example of POSITIVE peer pressure. I recently went to a theme park and I have a really terrible fear of rollercoasters. I'd never been on one! Anyway, my friends nagged and nagged until I went of the Rat - not my thing, but okay. So, I'm really scared, and it's my turn. I can't turn back, so I go on it. I screamed the whole way through...but went back on! Now theme parks are easier for me.

  4. Well, this is really a big puzzle, since I don't know you that well, but, I'll try and give a straigh answer from what you've let the Yahoo! Answers community know. First of all, you should be confident enough to do anything you want to do in life, second, if you don't want to ride "The Boss" you shouldn't, because you shouldn't feel "harassed" by your buddies to ride it because in the end, it'll make you feel bad no matter what you do. But now, if you wish to ride this rollercoaster, I suggest that you feel extremely confident with yourself and that you want to ride it because you decide to ride it, not becuase your friend told you to.

    What I'm trying to say with all of this, is that you shouldn't go in it just because your friends told you to, you should ride it because YOU WANT TO. Also, I would suggest that you tell your friends of your fear, if they are true friends, they will understand, but if they are just your "hang-out buddies" they may not understand, but chances are that they wont bother you to ride rollercoasters anymore.

  5. face your fear

    i was afraid of the dark and one night i was going to bed for school then i read a story then my sweet mom came and turn off the lights so i was little afraid and fell asleep


    if you want to face your fear go to a theme park and ride that coaster with your mom or anyone is close to you

    ride the hulk coaster it is very coooooooooool :)

    and thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...

  6. a lot of people are afraid of roller coasters. sometimes it has to do with a bad experience. the only way to overcome that fear is to ride it. but it may help if you start with some smaller roller coasters first, and work your way up. usually, after people ride something they think is scary, they realize its not that bad and enjoy it. if this ride tends to give headaches, take some advil or tylenol before you get on, so that way it will be working by the time you get off.

    hope this helps, and good luck

  7. U should defentily go on.U don't get headaches!!!

    When ur on the ride if u get really scared close ur eyes or just take a deep breathe and look around how pretty it is.

    Rollercoasters are the best!!U may feel scared at first when ur waiting in line but actually its so much fun and its an experience u'll have with u for a lifetime.

  8. ok heres a true story..

    one of my best friends was afraid of the boomerang and we literally MADE her get on LOL!

    in the end she ended up riding the superman a HUNDRED times! HAHA! well you only live once and make sure you live it to the FULLEST with no regrets!!

    :)good luck!


  9. some of those older coasters are dangerious and HURT. Don't go on some dumb ride your friend is presuring you into. She probebly has violent and immature reasons. But don't be afraid to ride the newer smooth and fast awesome ones! Thats a good thrill!

  10. My daughter was scared to death of roller coasters.  Never had been on one, but she KNEW that they were big and scary.  We went to Cedar Point and I made her ride the Gemini.  She loved it.  She would not ride a coaster that went upside down.  We went on the Mavrick, and I told her that it never goes upside down.  I lied.  She is now a roller coaster nut.  Fear is in the head, and once conquered, is gone.  Enjoy.

  11. i think you should go on it and have fun. what is the roller coaster going to do to you???  if you dont like it dont go on it again but you will never know untill you go on it.   if you do go on it if there is a big drop dont open your eyes when you are going up. but tell your friend to tell you when you are at the top so you know whenyou are going to drop.  dont close your eyes the whole time because you wont know when you are going to turn.      i fyou really diont want to go say nop.   you cant make anyone tell you what to do

  12. My ex-girlfriend forced me to ride the Titan at Six Flags in Arlington and it was the only positive thing she contributed to my life. LOL. Just ride it you will live! Then you decide if you liked it or not. You will probably like it i bet.

    Good luck.

    While standing in line, don't look at the roller coaster at all until you click the safety bar!

  13. Just keep your eyes closed it you are scared.

  14. Just try not to over think it all. The adrenaline rush is the best part. Scream and have fun =)

  15. Don't be scared. Just scream and laugh and have fun....and think POSITIVELY! :-)

  16. The only way to get rid of fear is to face it. after you ride it, youll be fine. but that doesnt mean you cant "cheat" the first time! heres some tips for your first ride:

    1. close your eyes. pretend it isnt as high or scary as it is

    2. try to imagine the point in time when you will get off the ride. believe me, you will want to ride it again, as long as you tell yourself you want to.

    3. tell yourself you arent scared. it will be fun.

    4. force yourself to ride it out of sheer will and ignore your senses

    5. dont worry about safety. roller coasters are safer than your furniture.

    6. dont look down

    7. once you ride the ride then you wont be scared anymore

    try riding it with your eyes closed at first and scream your head off to annoy other people. it really helps

    8. work your way up gradually. start with some shorter roller coasters, then get a little bigger. eventually, you will get over your fear

    9. try not to die ;)lol

    Hope you conquer your fear :)

    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

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