
Afraid of eye contact?

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My brother and I were recently sharing, and I was explaining to him how I am afraid to really look people in the eye. I hold my gaze back b/c I feel like it will be weird if I look at them full on. Its strange and awkward b/c I sense that others can sense that my vibe is compromised. My brother suggested that maybe I am afraid of my own power, or insecure in my own power. I thought this would be an interesting concept to explore. Can anyone relate?




  1. There is nothing to be afraid of. When I look at someones eyes in a split of a second i know everything about them even their future. this is the key in finding the truth in people.

  2. yes....i think omg he thinks im lying if i make eye contact or they cansee right through me but most of the time its because i got a lazy eye an it might wonder hahaha xx

  3. I can't look people in the eye sometimes, because I feel when they look back they can see all my flaws. =/ very insecure. I am getting better by just staring them in the eye and facing my fears.
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