
Afraid of sharks!!!??? and can't convince mom (question 2)?

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Question 1:

Ok I am really scared of sharks and my dad just showed me a shark movie with peoples legs and arms getting bitten off. Im going to Cuba this monday to Santa Lucia and im afraid of a shark there is going to bite my @$$ off, I don't want to be scared so can you convince me not to be scared please? I heard Cuba has one of the most Sharks in the world in the Caribbean sea and thats where im going!!! helppppppp

Question 2: My mom is afraid of everything, I just can't convince her to go and play with me far into the water, go on seadoo, banana boat, and other water activites . What can i do with her on Vacaction?




  1. I was born and raised all my life in Miami Florida and while growing up visited Key West almost every weekend with our boats visiting Cuban waters all the time. Being chased by the Coast Guard back into our waters was a common thing for young idiots as we were. But please let me tell you that the waters / currents that run between the tip of Florida and Cuba are some of the strongest in the world which makes it a play ground for sharks of all species. I personally have seen people eaten alive especially during the Cuban boat lifts. I have seen my share of sharks and believe me it doesn't matter how shallow or how deep - sharks will go anywhere to get what they want. That's why I will never go in the water even when visiting the beach here in Pensacola Florida where I live now. You'll never hear about all the deaths and near deaths caused by sharks out there because they don't want to scare the tourists away and hurt there money flow.

  2. Shark attacks are extremely rare.  You are much more likely to get hurt by a fellow human, not that's any consolation!

    "In 2000, there were 79 shark attacks reported worldwide, 11 of them fatal."  considering all the persons swimming, snorkeling, surfing and playing at the beach that is an exceptionally low number.  The odds of being attacked are so small as to be almost ridiculous.

    Here's some additional information:

    And here is information on precautions you can take to reduce the risk of shark attack even further!

    I am a scuba diver with many experiences diving with sharks and know that in most instances they are completely harmless to humans.  Humans are not normal prey for sharks.

  3. they dont just come up and bite you

    if you stay close enough to shore, they wont be there.

    not many actually get bitten.

    sharks are more afraid of you than you are of them.

    make sure your with someone in the water.

    but sharks are attracted to the smell of blood.

  4. Stay Away from water. I think sharks are afraid of land.

  5. Don't be scare just have respect toward sharks because an animal senses when a person is scared and gets scared too that's when they attack. But think positive because if you get scare you won't enjoy your trip to Cuba.

    Answer2:Just chill with her and try to convince her to go

  6. Sharks usually keep to themselves. They are more afraid of you than you of them. And basing your fears on a movie and not actually seeing a real shark is just stupid. You may actually like them once you see what they are really like.And you can't go out so far in the water as to where sharks are, so don't worry about your swimming and vacation being ruined.

    As for the second question: Go do what mothers and daughters do. Go shopping, to a spa, to eat, you know whatever.

  7. 1) dont worry about it. did you know that there is a greater chance of you being killed by a PIG than a shark? no lie, i couldnt make that up.

    2) if your mom is too afraid, dont make her do anything she doesnt want to do. find a cute guy, make friends and play with HIM! in my opinion, a cute guy is waaayyy more fun than a mom.

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