
Afraid of the dark; must listen to music to fall asleep - solution?

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I know someone who's afraid of the dark and has been for a long time. She's 18 and used to need to have the TV/light/music on (if not all, at least 2 of those - light and one of the others) for years until very recently. Now it's just down to music. How to get rid of the fright of the dark and the *need* to listen to music? I believe such an 'addiction' is unnatural, and ultimately harmful, and that it doesn't need to be fed, and finding a REAL solution is what's needed.

Any solutions? Or at least referrals to any professionals? Doctors/psychologists/whoever else?

P.S. Sleeping pills isn't a solution; that's evading fixing the real problem. And she doesn't want to see a psychologist because in her experience they're just listeners and don't actually try to or do anything to help. Is this true for all, or just bad experience?





  1. I just don't see anything wrong with listening to music to fall asleep. If that's all it takes, why deprive herself of that? I know people who need to have a nightlight to sleep and I see nothing wrong with that either. It's a shame she doesn't feel safe and secure in her room at night. I feel for her, but it sounds like she has found an excellent way to cope with it. I myself like a completely dark room and a fan blowing to lull me to sleep. If it's not interfering with her functioning then I don't see how it is a problem.  

  2. well what i would do is keep the music playing untill i almost fall asleep, then right then turn it off, most likely you will fall asleep and forget about all about the music. and if that does not work go to sleep WITHOUT the music and tuff the night out eventually you will get so tired you will fall asleep.

    keep repeating this untill you get comfortible sleeping without the music.



  3. Maybe having a sleep over with someone in the dark. It sounds lame, but maybe fighting her fears will help a bit.

    But quite honestly, I know a ton of people that need to listen to music or the radio to fall asleep, whether it be anxiety, paranoia or just stress.  

  4. had the same problem and i am sorry to say that the only way th concure a fear is to face it so just go a night without anything you will fall asleep quickly and then sleep better and wake feeling refreshed trust me ive been there

  5. what does music have anything to do with light i think she is schizophrenic

  6. Take a sleep pill a little bit before she goes to sleep.

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