
Africa?! WTF?

by  |  earlier

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okay... i know ill pbly p**s people off here but its the way i feel and i have a few questions... personly... i hate africa... i dont get it.! okay we are in debt... (america) and africa needs money... we send the BILLIONS of $ EVERY YEAR! not including the rich people here that send them money! so we are in debt as much as we give africa! my question is.... WHERE DOES ALL THE MONEY WE GIVE THEM GO! i mean come on! IT NEVER IMPROVES! no matter how much money we give them it never makes a difference... the way i see it is... all those donation things that you see on tv... im saying most of the money goes straight to them to make more advertisements... i feel very strongly about this... i just dont get it.... its not even that high of population over there.... seriously people where does all the money we give them go? please try to answer my question and stop giving money to africa!




  1. suck.

  2. idk, good question.

  3. america doesnt give africa alot of money,

    america is greedy and keeps it to its self

    yes we give some, but its like chump change

  4. Well maybe you should tell the US Government to stop spending so much on Iraq maybe 350+ billion dollars?!?!?!?

  5. Not a high population?  The population of the continent of Africa is about 3 times that of the US.

  6. well there's plenty of wars there so sometimes if we help build shelter there the shelter just ends up getting destroyed so our money ends up in a ruin. but those people do need all the help they could get.

  7. First, 'charities' take a rather large portion of your donation for their 'overhead'....i.e. high salaries, ads. Second, Africa does not need 'charity' as much as it needs infrastructure.....but b/c there is no infrastructure, the people cannot move forward. You can feed them today, but there will still be no food tomorrow. There are thousands who are starving, who need clean water, who need vaccines, but as with all necessities, the money spent only goes to help the now, not the tomorrow or the next week. We need to help them b/c we cannot/should not turn our back on yet another generation of starving children. But we need to focus our efforts on imporving their educations, their job opportunities, their ability to be self-sustaining...which we haven't done so far.
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