
Africa being exploited?

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Do u think the developing countries are exploiting Africa's resources? Like China pumping out oil in angola, and mining in congo. Do u think these developing asian countries are just using the poverty of the people and stealing their resources. Dont u think Africa needs its own ppl to build its own countries and not colonisation again and deploiting its resources, i means stealing its resources? will thr be an end to this and better humanitary conditions for ppl thr ever? China is just an example, i suppose all developing nations are stroming on Africa just to fullfill their own needs of demand and let the africans rot in their own soil.




  1. China is only now jumping on the band wagon that the west has been exploiting for centuries.

    Our Government spent millions on constructing factory shells to try and bring in investors to the country they succeeded in getting this in the form of Chinese textile firms who came to take advantage of our AGOA agreement with the US.

    Thousands of women flocked to this enterprising job opportunity only to find that for working 12 hours a day they would get payed E400 to E600 per month This is about an average of 35 pounds per month. This is not new to Africa as I said centuries the latest scam is western companies buying up carbon points to compensate for their own pollution so Africa carries the burden of the west again. BUT we need the $$$$$$ what can we do.

  2. littlerobbergirl is right

    Africas real history of sophisticated civilizations has been deleted ,so that the west can feel better about raping and pillaging a continent of supposed savages .

    Famine and wars are stimulated and orchestrated .

    diseases are planted ,

    Those who we think are there to protect, in reality are there to destroy,so that the rest of the world can walk away with the riches and in the end steal the land as well

    There is no light at the end of this tunnel ,

    on the contrary the tunnels gets longer all the time.

    The names of the institutians have changed but they are  people of the same families

    the colonies never left but instead got stronger with different faces say Africa is Africa goes to show that the propagandas are still effective,

    that answer is the ultimate cop out displaying ignorance of the reality behind the projected images

  3. Yes, and I also think that all those things should be given back to them like, the diamond mines that Europe took away back then and left no industry for Africa to make money to support its government but, even if they were able to get back on their feet they would still have to pay for all the donations that the other countries gave them.

  4. The best thought I can offer is this very thoughtful piece written by a person in an African country.  He discusses the current food shortages.  He mentions how the Africans have been taught to not eat or grow their native foods, but to eat only the foods imported from the developed countries upon which they have become dependent.  He points out that they are dependent on the surpluses of the developed countries, which are becoming a thing of the past.  He is gracious enough not to mention how the grain exporting countries have made sure they dumped plenty of grain in the African grain markets each year at below cost to assure African agriculture could not compete and progress.  He makes the point that if Africans are to have a future that is not dependent on the whims of profiteers in more developed countries they must claim decision making, rather than just doing as they are told, as they always have.

  5. Yes by Oprah Winfrey

  6. africa is africa

  7. africa has been exploited for hundreds of years, and its not stopping anytime soon. the world bank took over where the colonials left off.

    women, as ever, bear the brunt of it. e.g.

  8. Yes, but isn't the US doing the same thing in other countries?

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