
Africa poor or just needs good leaders?

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Do you agree that Africa is not poor it just needs good leaders?

As in not poor because of it's raw materials?




  1. This goes without saying, Africa needs good strong leaders and a willingness amongst it's citizens to obey laws, increase their productivity and protect their natural resources to earn foreign revenue. Handouts makes people lazy and the more the world is giving, the more Africa expects..

  2. You got it right there...

    Africa is not poor at all.

    It the politics.

    And yes indeed, they need good-decent leaders to save this great land.

    I hope they do....

  3. Africa is not poor but rich in natural resources. Unfortunately it has both a history of colonialism and corrupt leaders;-)

  4. It would be very difficult to disagree with you on that one.

  5. I think what africa needs is not money both the resources to abolish corrupt leaders. Africa needs strong, capable leaders who can take the given situation and foreign aid and do some real good. Many countries have been pouring money and support in to africa for years and it doesn't do to much. the country simply eats it up, it will buy food for everyone fro a little while then thats it. The country doesn't put that money into resource development or it doesn't secure a future food source. So Africa does still need financial aid but it also needs good honest leaders.

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