
Africa was exploited by now rich countries?

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Alf and Bull: I need your specific rebuttal on this one.




  1. i know its true and it makes me sad. you see white people laughing as if they like you but thy dont, they have fake smiles thats why you see there is alot of haterad against black people on the Internet. Any lets see there future.

    Today less and less white people go to church, they think they are god right now but its going to back fire. the Hamitic and semitic kingdom superiority fell becuase they thought that they were above god. Now it turns out to be that white people dont even belive that God exists. anyway things happen!

  2. Tsepo: I have just finished watching it, but I am in Germany. I agree entirely with what has been said. I find it rather suspicious that you can not open it.

    Try it here.

    I also find Darth Vader's point valid.

  3. He just conveniently forget to mention that these countries have corrupt leaders and governments that did not invest the money they did get from the richer countries, but rather used it to built up militia to keep themselves in power after the imperialists left. Look at Zimbabwe today, when Mugabe took over, the country could feed itself, but now have self imposed famine.

    After the Imperialists gave up their colonies in Africa, the locals started to fight amongst themselves. Africa is not sucked dry yet from its mineral and oil wealth, but what does the so called leaders do in Africa? They go and buy themselves weapons and become dictators.

    The problem is, Africans take the easy option and blame others for their problems instead of hunkering down and start trading amongst the countries of this vast continent itself.

    Guys like this commentator are there just to feed Africans with their own inferiority complex and the corrupt leaders of Africa just fan these self pitying ideas to their advantage.

    It is always easier to blame someone else than to stand up and be counted. This is the problem of Africa. Their own fear of making something of themselves. No one in this world is going to care for you if you don't stand up and look after yourself. Life is a competition and if you are weak, you will be trampled on.

  4. It would take a book to rebutt the argument although I believe that many in the West would accept an amount of exploitation but that is the way of the World. Africans have this pretence about ubuntu which doesnt exist in everyday life judging from the crime. As Darth points out the biggest problem that Africans have had to endure over the last 60 years is the exploitation of them by their own "Leaders" but even more so is the re-elction of these Leaders which we in the West have had to tolerate. It always ends the same. The Country in a shambles and run into the ground. The Leaders and their elite with fat Swiss bank accounts and the people begging the West to take military action etc e.g Zimbabwe currently.Then it is the taxpayers in the West who has to fork out money to rebuild these Countries only for it to be repeated.

    That is why so many people in the West say they had nothing to do with the past and in any event the financial debt has been repaid a 100 over. Then there is the other side with Africans fleeing the Continent into Europe where they take advantage of Social Security benefits and live on the European taxpayer. That is briefly what is causing the rise of right wing movements in Europe and the voting out of Office of politically correct liberal Governments.Africans interpret that as racism but it is not and if you consider the recent Xenophobia in South Africa and the reasons offered you start to get the picture. Its just that Europeans do not take to the streets and murder and burn people but the resentment at the laziness of some "foreigners" is much the same.

  5. Why do they keep on saying "We're sorry, this video is no longer available". Do others experience this too?

  6. They were able to be exploited because they had superior intelligence and technology.

  7. And Africa is now exploiting Europe big time !!  Invasions by the thousands each MONTH !!!

    What about countries that were NEVER colonised by Europeans? Did you know that both Liberia and Ethiopia which were never colonised were in fact more backward than countries which were colonised? Colonialism was beneficial, but in our modern history, nobody admits such things.

    Some Western historians have argued that most less developed regions of the world, particularly Africa, lacked the social and economic organisation to transform themselves into modern states able to develop into advanced economies. "If they had not become European possessions the majority would probably have remained very much as they were," wrote Cambridge historian D.K. Fieldhouse.

    Those bits of the "Third  World" which didn't come under

    colonial rule are just as messed-up as the bits that did.

    In Asia, the never-colonized countries (China, Japan, Siam/Thailand, Persia/Iran, Turkey) do seem to be doing a bit better than their neighbors.  Never-colonized Afghanistan pulls down the curve somewhat.

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