
African Americans; How many more free passes will it take until they achieve full equality?

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African Americans; How many more free passes will it take until they achieve full equality?




  1. It might sound bad, but that is why I want Obama to win. No more excuses.

  2. I have two answers for you:

    1- How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?

    2 - I think you're really asking why some AA are requesting seperate but more than equal treatment.  

    OK, neither one was really an answer.  But it's a great question nonetheless.  I hope someone can answer it.

  3. what do you mean 'free passes' blacks have just as many discrimintaions and problems as any other race. its not about when we're gonna achieve FULL equality because thats never. no matter how you look at it, in a 100 years theres still gonna be some ignorant redneck tryna put a black man down, racism is alive and real in todays society, no matter how much people try to sweep it up under the rug. and 'free passes' are not gonna make a difference. what about all the free passes white people were given (AND STILL ARE GIVEN at times!)

    lets face it every race has recieved discrimination in one way or another everyone says:

    blacks steal

    asians are smart

    whites have the money

    mexicans are illegal

    and i know many people who defy these sterotypical views of their races! judge not by the color of ones skin but by the content of they're character.

  4. Free passes will never = full equality .

      That will come when everyone realizes that the human race is the only important one .....

  5. I really don't understand your question.  Are you talking about Affirmative Action/Welfare? Even though I'm not sure what your asking, I will try to answer your question anyway.If you are talking about welfare, statistically speaking  more whites are on welfare than African Americans. Nobody rants and raves about polygamist families/groups(like but not limited to the ones in Texas) who have  tons of kids all supported by who/what?  Welfare.  So race has NOTHING to do with USING the system.  As for Affirmative action, as an African American woman I am neither for  or against it.  I have a Bachelors degree and am earning my Masters(got to and through college on academic merit not affirmative action) so I can't say that I have directly benefited from it.  However What I CONSTANTLY have to remind people, is there would BE no affirmative action if there wasn't a NEED for it.  The United States has a systematic history(whether people choose to remember it or not) of discrimination and unfair treatment of minorities(I include  women in that statement) and the United States Government HAD to take AFFIRMATIVE ACTION against discriminatory employment practices. Also I suggest you research Affirmative action(if that's what your talking about) it doesn't just cover African Americans, but minorities in general and women(including white women) as well.

  6. when they stop getting the free passes.

  7. All long as they continue to receive free passes, they will continue to demand more passes.  The cycle of self-obsessed, self-proclaimed victimhood will remain in the black community.  The only "equality" black activists want is the kind of "equality" that benefits them and brings others down.  Not a true "lifting up" of equality for all racial groups.

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