
African Americans or Hispanics :Which people are more dangerous?

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which ethnic group is more dangerous. i mean more likely to commit a crime such as theft, robery , and murder. African Americans or Hispanics?




  1. Who are most dangerous?

    White guys like you that ask stupid, ignorant and racist questions.

    The reality is that throughout history white people have waged the most war and killed the most people.  There are more white people in prisons in the U.S. and more poor white people in the U.S. than any  other group.

    Minorities are disproportionately represented among these groups, but in terms of sheer numbers in the U.S. -- it is white people who commit the most crimes, use the most welfare, and are filling our prisons.

  2. Hispanics by a country mile? American jails are full of them. After Hispanics the most dangerous ethic groups are; Arabs, Pakistanis, and Sudanese.

    The least dangerous are WASPS.

  3. I notice that you use the words " ethnic group" when describing both african american and hispanic backgrounds.. has it occurred to you that your probably more ethnic than they are.. Your question is very racist to say the least and it is because of people like yourself that both these groups of people have gotten themselves into the categories of  crime..I say when will you so called white folk leave these people alone and give them the respect they deserve.

  4. Without a doubt , history shows whites to be the most dangerous race . What other race could compare their empires to those we've had.

  5. Well as for me and my God, I think you can be dangerous too. It seems to me you are racist. So let God answer that one for you.

  6. The potential for danger lies in all corners of American life. Some Blacks have embraced Islam, would you believe. Some Hispanics believe that they are re-claiming America for the Mexicans; I hope they don't believe that. Crime lurks in many dark alleys in the US.

    Old line American strains should not limit births in their families. It is not too late to regain the majority.

  7. Ignorant people of all races are dangerous.

    Not a particularly complicated concept.

  8. Whitemen have carried out more mass murders than any other race of people or nation on the planet.

    Bush killing up all the american soldiers and lying about the 4,000 count. He only allowing to count some that fall dead, not the ones dying on the way and record number dying in the hospitals.

    That vieitnam war the american refuse to allow the men to shoot back without getting permission. The wanted them dead/the american soldiers dead/the american government making money and getting rich off the soldiers dying in war.

    Not to mention the aides disease pass off in the smallpox vacinations in the haiti and african country. Oh yes the disease/organism that was put on the blankets the american government gave to the american indians.

    Slavery - the whiteman was known as being the worse slave owners of all the world nations since the beginning of time.The seperatated the children from their parents. The hung and beat and killed more generations of humans than any other nation that owned slaved.

    The death row and prisons are 1/3 of poor innocent blk men who have no money and racism being a part of the incarceration.10 - 1 you see more exonerated blacks than whites. Its a very small number of blks and mexicans killing compared to what the white man is doing.

  9. its that kind of thinking that make us the white man the dangerous

  10. hispanics...african americans belong here they are part of our nation, always have.  they are slowly realizing that as a race, they are not enslaved to the democratic party...many blacks are finally being liberated to the idea that they can be black, and not a democrat.

    hispanics are destroying us

    coming in illegally and forcing spanish upon our children, not speaking a l**k of english, and then while leeching off of the US system, marching in protests carrying the mexican flag....oh the irony that an illegal would come to the US and then be so "proud" of mexico...kick them out (illegals, not legal ones)!  ALL OF THEM

    fundamentally, illegals are ripping apart our society from the inside.  And sancutary laws ensure that illegals can commit crimes multiple times without being deported.

    they multiply and 2042 whites will be the minority

    we have to stop the insanity of illegals and stop it NOW

  11. Who do you think is more dangerous? Caucasisions or ignorant people who ask questions like this?  

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