
African Cichlid tank set up???

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I have a 55 gallon tank.

I'm changing from South African Cichlids to African Cichlids.

Beside cleaning the tank really well..

Can I keep the same decoration for the tank, I spent a lot of money on it and I really don't want to chuck all of it into a corner.

Theres Driftwood(has many hiding spaces),plastic plants, and gravel.

Can I change fishes but not change the set up?????

Thank you




  1. It won't matter to them ,all chiclids like the same kind of enviroment, give them plenty of hiding spots, and they will be happy as can be, I have 3 chiclid tanks, 10 gal, 30 gal tall, and a 75, they all love them. I prefer live plants personally though, they help keep the tank cleaner, and give them something to shred when they are fiesty, Amazon swords are easy to keep, and very cheap.  

  2. taz may well be a cichlid fish keeper, but that was a very ignorant answer on his end.  NOT all cichlids prefer the same enviroment.  That just goes to show you how much they really know.  Mbuna or "rock" fish prefer and do well in a tank that has rocks and your driftwood too.  Hap or open water types really don't dwell in these areas and need generally a larger tank set up.  So in truth, it sort of depends on what types of Africans you are going to keep really.  I've bred six different species of Africans myself, both Mbuna and Haps.

    I don't see any reason why you can't keep the same decor, but keep in mind, MOST Africans, but not all, prefer a much higher PH and hardness then typical SA's do.  That might be your biggest obstacle is the water chemistry then the decor.

  3. Yes why not. But what are you going to do with the old fish??? I have myself cichlids

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