This is the second time I am posting this because I didn't really get enough answers the first time...Please help if you have any idea!
I went away for 5 days and before I left I noticed that my African Dwarf Frog appeared to be shedding. I don't know a whole lot about keeping these frogs and I was kinda in a hurry so I figured that was all it was. When I came back he was dead. I wasn't sure what would have killed him so I checked my water parameters ( I had left a food block in the tank for the 5 days) and everything was okay. I made sure my heater and filter were working fine, everything was okay. The only thing I had in the tank with it was a female betta (and if you're just going to say the betta killed it...please don't waste your time answering) which never bothered the frog, and a mystery snail. I fed him 2 shrimp pellets for bottom feeders everyday once in the morning and once at night since this was the only thing I could get him to eat. Any ideas on why he died? I am just concerned because I would like to get 2 more sometime soon but I want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong...cuz I don't want the them to die also. I did buy him from Walmart so do you think I just got an unhealthy frog (if I wasn't doing anything wrong that is)? The other thing is I put 1 Tablespoon freshwater salt to every 5 gallons in my tank, all my fish seem to thrive with this amount but is it too much for the frog?