
African Dwarf Frog Questions

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I just bought an African Dwarf frog. I've never had one before, and there are a few things I'm curious about. 1) How long can they hold their breath? 2) Can they survive on fish food or do they need a special food of their own? 3) What is the best way to feed them?




  1. they lived under the water. they will go up to the top of the water every soo often for air. you shouldnt haveto feed them special food. they're like alagae eaters. they eat all the left over food from your fish.  

  2. 1) i'm not too sure exactly, but for a while.

    2) no, they must be fed live of frozen foods. a cube of frozen bloodworms make a good staple food.

    3) they must be hand fed.

    good luck :)

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