
African american female wanting to adopt!?

by Guest58058  |  earlier

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I want to adopt twin biracial or african american infant girls. Where can I go for this information? Doing this thru a private agency would more than likely be astronomical in cost. Help me please with some information.




  1. First, get your homestudy done!  Once approved, submit your homestudy and a profile you make yourself, to agencies.  You might look at PACT An Adoption Alliance, Adoption Link, or (different) AdoptLink.  Also, if there is a One Church One Child agency in your area, contact them.  Good luck to you!

  2. I'd suggest contacting your state department of human services if you're considering foster care adoption.  You could also contact an adoption agency or attorney if you are considering domestic infant adoption.  You can also look into international adoption if you're considering that route.  Foster care adoption is the least expensive option, but it's a good idea to look carefully into all of your options and make the best decision for you and your family.

    Good luck!

  3. Hi Bejer,

    You are the second young woman on here in a week looking to adopt twins. I don't get that myself, and I think it is a lot more likely for a very young woman to have that fantasy than an older one, especially the matching set of girls part. So I'm going to treat you as a very young woman as the last one was, and cut you a little slack.

    You're young, there is plenty of time to think about when and how you want to form a family. I urge you to go to college first (if you haven't yet), and spend a few years on your own and then (if you choose to marry) a few years married, before you start a family. There are so many things it is harder to do when you are a parent.

    Once you are ready to settle down and have a family, adoption can be a good option, but it isn't something to do because it seems like a romantic idea. If in a few years, you are serious about adoption, I urge you to consider adopting through foster care. You can do that when you are still single and the age limit would be much lower, though you would still have to have a stable home (could be a rental) and stable income.

    And you should know that the reason we are all reacting is that your question doesn't make it sound like you are thinking about real children that you would be a parent to, but instead a sort of set of dolls that you could dress up in cute little matching outfits. And coupling a very specific request with a desire not to spend much money is pretty disturbing. Adoption should be mainly about providing homes to children, not special orders for potential adoptive families.

    Good luck with your life! Don't rush into settling down too early. I'm sure that when you are ready you will have a wonderful family.

  4. Welcome to McAdoption......may I take your order please?

    twin girls .....check

    light or dark.....check

    would you like fries with that?

    As an adoptive mother I take offense to your request for "twin" biracial or african american girls.

    Adoption is about YOU helping a child not them fulfilling your need to have two clones to dress alike!

    Your requests may be offensive to the adult adoptees on this site....please be more sensitive in the future.

  5. i guess my question to you would be: why so specific???

    why must these children be twin infant girls?

    and why is cost an option?

    my opinion (and answer) is this:

    adoption is about providing a home for children who need one. it has little to do with "buying the perfect child(ren). furthermore, there are many black and bi-racial children who need homes, yet they are not babies nor twins. are you open to that?

    also, the fact that you are overly concerned about the cost is somewhat unsettling to me.  it sounds too much like going to the car dealer, requesting a custom package, yet haggling about the price. adoption can be very expensive or very inexpensive. foster adoption tends to be less expensive; and provides the best opportunity for truly "needy children."

    from what you presented, i'd strongly advise you to look into your reasons for adoption, and be open to a child who need a home. not just one who fits into your "dream child" paradigm.


  6. Hi Bejer,

    Good & bad news for you.  The good news is there are plenty of children waiting for homes right now & many of them are African-American.  There are also many sibling groups.  The bad news is it is not likely anyone will be able to adopt twin infant girls because twins available for adoption are very rare, especially infant twins.  Please keep in mind that adoption is primarily about meeting the needs of children who already do not have a home, rather than finding specific children to meet the needs of people who want children.  In other words, adoption exists to find the best homes available for each particular child.

    You do not say which state you live in.  I'm assuming the U.S.  Every state has a department of children & family services or human services which operates foster to adopt programs.  These are the children who truly need homes now.  First you should be completing your homestudy since that will always be required before any adoption can be legally finalized.  The costs associated with foster care adoptions will be minimal to none.

    I would also recommend using the time until then to thoroughly research the effects of adoption on adopted children so you can become the best possible adoptive parent you can be.  There is really much to learn!  There are many adult adoptee blogs online.  There are also books on the topic.  Hang around reading here and you will learn way more than an adoption agency will ever tell you, from people who have lived it and know firsthand.  

    Hope this information is helpful for you.  Good luck,

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  7. it will be a huge cost...either upfront, or in caring for them until they are adults.....there are some programs/loans to help out, but I would try out your local protective most likely won't get an infant or twins...but you can determine what you are ok with accepting....and they will determine how you best meet the needs of the children--which is most important. Further, it is far less expensive...though children are always costly.

  8. Don't you have to be married to adopt?

  9. Go to foster care.  But let's not focus on twins shall we, the more specific we are the more it is about us and not the kids.

  10. i would do alot of research. it you want to adopt internationally the cost for african american children woudl be around 16,000-20,000 dollars. (at least from what i've seen). many of the agencies will only require an additional small fee if you want to adopt more than one child. either way, adoption requires alot of financial resources. good luck with adoption. its a beautiful thing!

  11. The adoption part won't be too difficult, the hard part will be finding twins of any kind or age.  You won't need to go to an agency to adopt, contact child protective services in the state where you live and they should be able to give you more information about adoptions.

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