
African american scene hair?

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why is it that i always see african american girls trying to do a scene style hair but they can't?!?!?

i thought black girls hair was like pretty much the same as white girls can they get the tease effect hairstyles? if they can show me actual pics i looked at youtube vids and i didn't see any REAL scene hairstyles on african american girls

also can african american guys have scene hairstyles?

ps: i'm black if it matters






  2.  hello people... whoever wrote this is seriously wrong!!! I am black and filipino and ... well my parnts don't appreciate me being scene, but guess what? I am still scene, because i am ment or it. Black people can be emo, scene or they can be both! Do you guys think that if you have a religion, you can be scene to? My dad don't think that i should be scene because HHHHEEEE studies a muslim culture. I am 13 and turnning 14 and i know what scene came from and S**t like that, but who cares if other black people think that it's only for white people! I am not being racist, because my ancecsters are white >_< I am in Okinawa and i see a whole bunch of black emo's and scene kids around here! amd even asians... Can someone answer me if "scene people are only for white peopl?" cause i want to show proof to my parents.... I have no life because of my bobo twin sista(emo).... well to be honest, this answer or question is a both.... 0_0?

  3. im a scene black girl and i dont try and be like other race of scene girls i have my own orginality. i feel being scene is a style and color doesnt matter. i still have volume to my hair and my hair is healthy and strong. i dont do harsh teasing to my hair  because it can break it off. and honestly that isnt just with black girls that with any race. light teasing and a shake mess up of your hair with ur had works just fine. im tired of the constant talk of black scene, white scene. uggghhhh ! ptfo !

  4. it dosent matter what race you are. Be what you want to be

  5. heyy, i'm a black scene girl and i tease my hair looks amazing

  6. I think you should get a brazillain hair treatment like me. You can only get it AT THOSE 1st class spas. Its just like a perm but it smells like chocolate, not chemicals. And it doesent burn. And it last i bit longer than a perm, and its watproof, just blow dry it out! :)

    Im what people call "black" and I want to be scene. I hate when ppl are mean to me just cuz im black. PPL say "You act like a white girl" What does that mean-black ppl cant be inteligent? Black is just a skin color. So when ppl ask me things like if im black, indian, etc. I just say im a christain. I was in a store with my dad one time and all the workers were watchig us like we were going to steal something, it hurt my feelings. Even though im 12 I can still make a difference in how people think of me. In florida in 3rd grade if you arent doing well in school, they ACTUALLY predict that your going to jail, so they spend TONS of money on jails for children. So just remember ppl will judge you about stupid things. But thats what scene is all about. But dont be a poser, like some scenes-they tell eveyone they are scenes and brag and stuff.

    Goog luck!

  7. totally ! google yoyo suicide or risa cotton candy . their hair is hawt ! ;) go for it !

  8. well im mixed n im scene ssoo yaa itz differen depending on ho ur har texture iis but it workz for every1...mine workz just fine!


  9. People are matter what race they are..i mean, i'm an african american scene girl and i think i pull it off pretty well. race means nothing.

  10. Guest10336927] -Not ALL African Americans wear saggy pants. [Sterotype]! African American Girls & Guys Can Pull Off Scene Hair & Skinny Jeans Just As Well As Caucasians. If You Didnt Know, Its This Thing Called A Perm Or A Relaxer That African Americans Get To Have Nice Silky Hair & With That Their Hair May Even Look Better Caucasian Hair. && By The Way, From What You Said Sure Does Sound Racist To Me Sweetheart. It Shouldnt Matter What Race You Are, I Though Martin Luther King Jr Made It Clear Enough..

  11. I swear I shake my head at the stupidity of people who proclaim black people are 'supposed' to be/do something. Then quickly follow up their statement with "But I'm not racist".

    Yes, yes you ARE racist.  Get over it and just admit you're a racist and settle with it. The only person you're lying to is yourself, cause everyone else knows you're a racist.

    Next you'll stay saying .."But I have black friends"

  12. african american scene hair is amazing
    i think if you know what your doing you can pull it off
    heres some videos:

  13. black girls hair n white girls hair are not the same!!
    n it shouldnt matter what race or colour you are
    it u wanna have the " scene " look then have it

    n guest10336927
    tha was a sterotype

  14. First off, African American hair is definitely NOT the same as Caucasian hair. I'm African America mixed with Native American.  I don't consider myself to be "scene" really, but lots of people think that I am. I wash my hair every Saturday. I blowdry it and straighten it with my flat iron. Then I sort of tease it up with hairspray and hairwax. Many girls(no matter what race) cannot pull the look off. It just depends on if you know how to do it and if it looks good on you.

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