
African dwarf frogs and ghost shrimp?

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I haev a 6 gallon eclipse tank with a dwarf gourami and some african dwarf frogs. I was thinking about adding some gost shrimp b/c they look cool and are awesome! lol! But would the afican dwarf frogs eat the ghost shrimp? Or are the ghost shrimp fast enough to stay out of the frogs way. The frogs only hunt my smell and I feed them a lot, so could I put ghost shrimp in there?




  1. I would worry about the gourami's eating the shrimp, my AFD has never eaten the shrimp, but I cannot say the same for my fish.  

  2. add 2 at the most, you overcrowd ghost shrimp and they fight, plus they get a little big so more than 2 would look silly.

    Ghost shrimp have tons of personality and I've had a few that will take food from your hand once they know you.

    Dn't worry about feeding them there far faster than the frogs and will get to the food first, they do love blood worms aswell (what you should be feeding the frogs, only the frozen kind).

    the frogs won't touch the shrimp and niether should the gourami but there is no guarantee on the gourami but they chances he'll leave them alone are very good if he is fed well...

    but at 30 cents a shrimp i say go for it...

    good luck!!!

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