
African grey: Funniest thing they say?

by Guest65173  |  earlier

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We have an african grey who named himself, Mister Mister. yeah, weird. But now he's talking more and he says OOOOOHHHH YYEEEAAAAH!!! i was just wondering what more in in store for us!




  1. I had an African Grey a number of years ago. He used to recite conversations between my sister and I. When the door bell would ring, he would yell "Come in!!" in my father's voice. Needless to say, we had to begin locking the door in the middle of the day! He would say "Hello" when the phone rang. He talked all day everyday and would say pretty much anything he heard us say.

  2. i have a grey too and if you keep on talking to him every day he or she may learn a lot more words

  3. my grey girl is only about a year old so she's still struggling with the words...but after the 4th of July she would make bottlerocket noises all the time.  I'm glad she's over that phase!

    You should join

  4. My Friends African Grey Knows all of the telivision theme tunes and watches the ones he wants and pretends to sleep and makes noises when he doesnt want to see that programme.

    he loves the film Napolian

    and somehow he knows every swear word possible. when you do something wrong in his cage such as move his food bowl, he makes police siren sounds.

    He is gorgeous!

  5. Hi,

    My african grey likes to annoy our dog, the dog isn't aloud into the room with the bird but she still tries anyway so our parrot will call the dog in and as the dog gets through the door then he will tell her to get out and so the dog panicks and wheelspins on the laminate floor.

  6. They are quite the imitators so watch what you say. i've seen you tube videos where the bird says: "*****" "****". It was kinda funny at the time but I could imagine if you had company it wouldn't be so funny lol.

    All parrots will get to know your phone that's for sure!

  7. My aunt has an african grey, and they will wolf whistle at you, so you need to say "Thank you, Mister Mister" in response, and they will start doing it more often. Also, they can learn you name and say hi to you. You just need to say your name around them often. Just wait and see! African grey parrots will always surprise you!

  8. I knew someone who had a grey many years ago...  They were gone all day at work one day and they came home to the cage totally dismantled and in pieces and the bird sitting on top of the rubble saying:

    "Oh what a mess!"

  9. My Grey told me "Knock it off, give me a break, your getting on my nerves"

  10. My old friend had an African Grey that would mimic drunks at his parties. No telling what they will pick up!  You are in for a real treat!!

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