
African grey help?

by Guest56415  |  earlier

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my parrot is an african grey and she alwys bites me but everytime i try to bond she gets mad and gets all irritated.. i dont know why, and then shes puffs up and everything. idk what to do




  1. dude i had one of those, mine did the same thing

    puffed up, like bent down and hissed at me

    i went to a trainer person to get it sorted

    it was expensive but it worked

    good luck x

  2. Absolutely do not show that you are afraid. Once you do this they decide they're in charge and will "bully" you because they think they can get away with it. You must show your grey that you are boss and not afraid. Place your hand on top of his beak pressing very lightly and tell her NO in a calm voice. Talk quietly with her in the cage several times a day without reaching to grab her so that she gets used to you and sees you as calm and not as a threat. Teach her to step up to your hand/arm as she gets used to your presence by placing your hand against her chest and saying "step up". Many greys like to have the feathers at the back of their necks stroked lightly, even in a backwards motion. This all takes time

  3. I am assuming you have her wings clipped?  If not, clip them - it will help with the taming process.  Start off slowly with your bird.  First find out what her favorite treat is.  Then only offer her treats.  Don't try to take her out of her cage - open the door and allow her to come out on her own.  Once she starts to trust you and take the treats (with out puffing up and being nippy), then wrap your arm and press your arm under her chest toward her feet.  This will cause her to step up on your arm.  Once she gets on your arm - give her her favorite treat and let her go back to her perch.  Practice this gradually building her trust and getting her use to you and being handled.  Don't offer fingers - fingers are too much of a tempting nipping target.  Once you get her use to being handled then you can work on other things like scratching and preening with her.  The preening will help with bonding, but that comes later.  Just remember - it is going to take time and patience.  The more you work with her the better, and try not to show your fear.  You really are going to have to devote a large amount of time with her to get her tame and to keep her tame, but Greys are smart and once she realize she needs you and that you equal good things, she will come around...  I hope this is helpful.  Good luck!

  4. If u just got it give it a couple of weeks to get it adjusted. U can try clicker training. Get close enough so it doesn't his and use a clicker and then leave the room or give it a treat. Be sure to move slowly so u don't frighten it. When u see its crest go down, u know it's working

  5. leave her alone for a couple of days. I know it sounds crazy but it works! She will miss you eventually. Then reinforce your visits to her with a good happy memory by feeding her a treat every time you see her and keep the knew meetings short and happy for a few days.

    Just feed her and whistle, birds love that. Then give her space, it'll just take time for her to warm up to you.
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