
African union South American union Dangerous?

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Have you heard about these continents already on thier way to being EU like. I never belived in a one world government but this is a huge step forward. If there where only like 5 main trading entities what would be the consequences.




  1. An African Union will be good for the countries in Africa in dealing with economy and international security.

  2. i don't like continents to be seen as one the consequences would be if one moron union(probably EU) tried to take over the world like Hitler and Mussolini did it won't be hard because Hitler and Mussolini had to win hundreds of different governments but any moron who tries it would only makes his job 5times harder which is easy compared to hundred times hard during WWII

  3. These organizations have been around for quite a while.  Although the AU is relatively new, its only a replacement for the old OAU.  And South America has been under the OAS for decades.  I dont think that it is a significant step forward, particularly for Africa.  While banding together to pool their resources, they are also pooling together many of their problems:  healthcare, lack of infrastructure, international debt, poverty, etc.  Will the AU have the resources alone to help Africa?  Darfur certainly has provided the answer to this question.  While it may take time for this organization to develop, I think it will be quite a significant before they can have any kind of pull.  I highly doubt that there will be five main trading entities left in the world.  While consolidation and cooperation are likely, the soveriegnty that a state has will allow it to have its own trade relations seperate of any international organization or body.  Most states are unwilling to give up this level of autonomy.

  4. Is this a step forward toward one world government?  Yes, but a small one.  Believe me, the AU is a long, long, long way off from governing Africa.  And South America has its small regional blocs, but these are ineffective.

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