
Afrikaners: Do you hold a grudge against the Americans for destroying South Africa?

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The US black-listed it´s former (WWII) allies "for not giving blacks equal rights". Be that as it may, who are they to judge especially since they completely annihilated the original inhabitants of America themselves and did not give blacks equal rights until a few years earlier?

South Africa is now a crime-ridden corrupt country much unlike the successful flourishing economy and military powerhouse it was just a few decades ago.

What sense does this make?!?

What do you think of Americans?




  1. not our fault, back off dude, you want independence take care of your own country, we are no the care takers of the earth, we help because we want to not cause we have to, take care of yourself world, we're not your mommy!

  2. Too bad, you're getting our answer anyway.

    The Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 was the right policy at the time. And it remains the right policy today. The United States had no business offering comfort and aide to a criminal regime that operated outside the norms of international law.

    If anything, America should be criticised for being too slow in acting to condemn apartheid. That it took Botha's infamous "Crossing the Rubicon" speech to push America into action represents a failure of leadership. They should've said "no" to the racist psychopaths that ran South Africa long before that.

    America was silent after the Sharpesville massacre in 1960. America was silent when the United Nations expelled South Africa in 1974. America was silent during the Soweto uprising a few years later. America was silent when South Africa developed nuclear weapons in blatent defiance of non-proliferation treaties.

  3. America had very little to do with SA. Many of the US companies just continued operating under local names as well.

    There were times during Appartheid that the US supported SA's war against Angola.

  4. It is common course that the USA is the locust of the planet. It swarms and consumes as much as it can and then moves on to the next. Especially in politics.  Yes, I am a South African with a keen interest in history and politics. The polititians then were as corrupt as they are now. The current ones were just cought . Viva Nixon!

  5. If anyone holds a grudge against anyone it must be the person posing this question,who certainly has no Idea of what he is talking about regarding the Afrikaans speaking white South Africans.What about the English speaking white South Africans, and all the law abiding Africans of every colour and creed that make up the vast majority of the population.

    By the way I'm not an American .

  6. You have taken a hundred years of history and reduced it to four lines and then made a rather scathing judgment of not one country but two. Exactly when did God die and leave you in charge? Let me leave you with something to cogitate on - A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And so are sweeping generalizations. Why do you not go and do your muck raking somewhere else?

  7. We did not destroy them. We just made it public that we did not like apartheid. they then destroyed themselves.

  8. All these idiots are deliberately ignoring the simple facts under their noses.

    In the 43 years of apartheid SA 21,000 people were killed, and only 518 by the SA security forces. The rest were victims of black on black violence ("Bob"), like fighting between the ANC and Cosatu. "Necklacing" and locking honey-coloured prisoners in sheds with bees were also popularised by Bob.

    When the old government was in power SA wasn't perfect but it was habitable. Now the world has the government it wanted so badly, and Bob is out of control! There's no place left in SA for whites, right-thinking blacks, or civilisation as a whole.

    A replica of the situation exists in Zimbabwe.

  9. No one destroyed South Africa as you put it, more than the stupid, backward thinking Afrikaner Nationalists who would not listen to anyone who advised them.

    The situation was very complex, but they would not listen to MacMillan, they would not listen before to General Smuts- instead they branded him a traitor, they would not listen to the older voice of the black leadership, they treated people like k.a.k. for 50 years and now they reap what they have sown, the problem being with this is so does everyone else and that is also unfair!

    I am afraid the Americans were contributors but the National party were the main culprits.


    However I would like to add that I do see your point about the hypocrisy. South Africa was made scapegoat and whipping boy by many nations. America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other AFRICAN nations should look long and hard at their own histories of racism, segragation and indigenous people's treatment before casting stones. As a South African I always found it hard to listen to criticism coming from Americans but moresoe Australians. This, however, does not excuse South Africa for what she did either.


    The Reagan administration and its friends in Downing Street propped up the Pretoria apartheid regime for years, paying lip service to the international calls for sanctions etc by boycotting fruit and sports etc. During the Cold War South Africa supplied the "free" world with gold, diamonds and more importantly super conductors and URANIUM/PlUTONIUM... this speaks for itself. As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed along with the Eastern Bloc, Mandela is out of jail and South Africa is negotiating democracy.

    Those people who say that US Cold War politics and South African apartheid politics were not linked are very misguided in their beliefs.

  10. I would hate to be the one to break this to you but the world does not revolve around America. Many people out there hate Americans. America had absolutely no influence on SA. America did not destroy SA the locals did.  

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