
After 19 months running for President, when is Obama going to tell us: ?

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a) his college grades and whether he was admitted under an affirmative action program

b) What he was doing as a "Community Organizer", specifically name organizations represented or promoted, his objectives, the results of his organizing efforts, how about some names of people he worked with

c) specific details of how he will fund all the sweeping programs he proposed in his acceptance speech and what specific tax increases he seeks to pay for them.




  1. He did both A&B. C he spoke about at the DNC. But many of you think is vague, kinda like McCain's speech last night!

  2. well we already know about one organzation he worked for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which turned out to be a shill program for producing democrat voters in high schools.  Look it up, do some research, dig deeper than what the obama propaganda machine is pumping out. yada yada yada

    this is a classic example of how a conservative funder, Annenberg, can see his money get high jacked and essentially get totally taken advantage of.

  3. Actually Obama believes that Affirmative Action has come to serve it's purpose . Just lately since this election I have noticed there is much more bias and prejudice then I imagined . which does put some Americans at a disadvantage.

  4. He won't. The lemmings and sheep will follow him anyways.  

  5. These are good questions.  However, Columbia and Harvard will refuse to tell an outsider that a particular student was only admitted because of race.  That would leave them open to lawsuits.  Another good question that needs to be answered for certain is the place of Obama's birth.  There appear to be no hospital records in Hawaii substantiating Obama's claim that he was born there.

  6. I'm still waiting for him to allow his birth certificate released to prove he was born in the US. Another thing he's hiding.

  7. I've already heard enough to know voting for him is not an option.

  8. The media will never ask him because they don't want to do anything that may hurt his chances in the election.

    If they don't ask about Ayers, Rezko, Wright why would they ask about anything else?

  9. well, he had a blak professor at harvard, so his grades would be suspect anyway, and Harvard had the most aggressive AA program in the country, so he had no trouble getting in there, and he forced the law school to change the appointment process  of the law review editor from one based on merit to  a popularity contest, so his college "accomplishments" are basically meaningless

  10. I'm sure he'd be glad to. This is similar to how all you GOP tools claimed he was too scared to go on your O'Reilly Factor, then he did.

    Also, since you now want to bring grades into the picture - McCain finished 5th from last from last in his class at the Naval Academy.

  11. I don't know whether he has released information on (a) and (b) yet, but he has already explained (c) many times over.  It's on his website, it was in his acceptance speech and it's in every interview he gives on TV.

  12. He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review... obviously his grades were excellent. Don't you know anything about law school?

  13. he would have told us already if he wanted us to know.  There must be something he is the muslim mentor that was reported by newsoutlets, Khalil Al-Mansour?  

    there are no specific details as to how he will bring change... but today, he started changing his mind after listening to John McCain: Obama is now "open" to drilling for oil....  that just goes to show you, he hasn't got a clue about how to bring real change.  

    McCain+Palin are the real change we can believe in!

  14. When is Palin going to tell us why it took her 6 years to get an Undergraduate degree in Journalism?

    When will McCain tell us why he had horrible grades at the Naval Academy but STILL graduated.

  15. he will tell u as soon as some one  writes it all down for him

  16. probably during the presidential debates when mccain asks those questions. but will mccain be thinking about those "issues", no.

  17. The information's all out there in his books, interviews, and his website.

    They've written about all of it. Of course, you have to choose to read it.  

  18. You won't get specific answers I suspect, if any. Specific details seem to be a weak point with the followers of the golden child.

  19. College grades...come on now

    for all the other stuff...umm do you read at all?  

  20. Why does he need this?!  If George W. Bush got in, anyone ccan!!!

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