
After 20 years pf people saying they don't want government forced healthcare doesn't Ted Kennnedy give it up?

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He sounds like a big loser NOT a hero!




  1. Because he is rich and pompous and believes that HE knows better than us what is good for us, mainly because it will never affect the moneyed class like him!  His people would never be affected by a gov't policy.  They merely go offshore with funds or medical, or whatever they d**n well please!

    OH and I am a republican and I DO PAY FOR MY FATHERS HEALTH CARE!  He has never even seen a BILL!  I pay it all, and I don't take vacations or go out to dinner, or have extra money for anything.  That is the thing about US REPUBLICANS, we beleive that everyone should be self sufficient!  WE don't go for welfare, and WE take care of our own, AND IT IS PROVEN THAT REPUBLICANS GIVE MORE TO CHARITY!

    After seeing what people are willing to SPEND ON PETS, I think we should abolish health insurance except for major medical and let the market take care of itself!

  2. I will give up my crappy HSA in a heartbeat for universal healthcare.

  3. The only reason that Ted Kennedy has remain in office as long as he has is partly due to his brother Jack.  That, and he lives in a state that is just as liberal as CA is.

  4. You're confusing "people" with "Republicans"

    Most people want health care coverage for all. In fact, it's a pretty solid majority of people who want health care coverage for all.  

  5. Actually over 60% of the Americans want universal health care.  Including many businesses so it would take the pressure off them and their bottom line.  It would also make American companies far more competitive in this global market.

  6. The tide is turning my dear....20 years ago, there weren't 47 million Americans without health insurance.

  7. in a recent poll, even the majority of physicians favored universal health care.

  8. Nope.

    Because you are a liar.

    Government forced healthcare has never been promoted by Ted, or anyone.

  9. He only cares about Teddy. He thinks he will leave some great legacy if he ruins the economy and the health system in one move. Listening to anyone has never been an attribute of his.

  10. what people?

    Cops support B man

  11. So what do you republicans do with your sick and poor elderly relatives? Say, "Nice knowing ya"? We all know you darn sure won't spend a dime to help them.

  12. I don't think the 47 million Americans not covered by ANY health care are saying that.  Nor the millions who are inadequately covered. Time to get with it.

  13. That is why Obama wants to have health care provided for those who want it. If your employer does not have health coverage or coverage that you don't like you can choose to use the government health care. It is great to have choices. No one will be forced to have healthcare.  

  14. Most people want universal healthcare. The people who don't want universal health care are vocal and influential, so it seems like their numbers are greater than they really are. They're like a pack of wolves all howling in unison to disguise their numbers. (sorry I was watching animal planet's most extreme today)

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