
After 20 yrs. of on and off meth is it still possible for wellbutrin to work with or without clean time first?

by  |  earlier

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I've been doing Meth for 20-25 yrs. on and off. I have a seriouse problem. Is it possible for wellbutrin to work for me and what dose level should i start at? I've been in and out of 12 step programs for years to no avail. I am very interested in learning more about wellbutrin. I snort or smoke the meth. I read where people that took it to help with the meth craving did so with a couple months clean. Do you have to have so much clean time for it to work, because i am lucky if i can go a week. I am open to ANY information that would help me. Please help me help myself. Thank-you




  1. You're still alive after 20+ years of meth?  That's amazing.

  2. first I have to say congrats to your wanting a change.I would go to WEB MD or ask a doc. I was on zoloft and had to get off I was scared of the combination of meth and RX.

    a perscription drug reference should have info on it.

    the generic name is bupropion hydrochloride.

    Lots of luck

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