
After 3 days of the Convention , does anyone really know anything more about McCain?

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what has he done in 3 decades in Congress? What will he do for this country?

All I have been able to pick up is that he was a POW and can't lift his hands above his head.

No offense to his military service, but there are millions of people that have served in the military and hundreds of U.S. troops were POW's in Vietnam.




  1. wow what has Obama done...he was a community leader in his neighborhood and won a seat on the senate and did nothing else but run for president.  Oh wait obama wrote 2 memos in office.

  2. I have been asking the same question of the McCain/Palin supporters and all I get is deflection and ridicule of Obama. I really would like to know from a republican where they see any difference in policy from the last eight years. Please tell us!  

  3. Yes, he stands behind a woman...and If Obama had a pregnant  daughter He would have him and  jumped all over that.

  4. The only thing we know about McCain is that his is very old

    and a warmonger and

    believes he deserves the presidency because he was a POW.

  5. He's a POW. I get it, but we still haven't gotten a single idea during the entire Republican convention about the economy and how to lift a middle class so harmed by the Bush-McCain policies.

  6. Yes, I do believe you mean to offend his military service. What kept you out? Poor eyesight or did you fail the ASVAB

  7. No, but then who really wants to.  BTW, you're really funny.

  8. It is the same with Obama though.  I know nothing more after his whole convention about either candidates...   All the conventions are, are glamorous pep rallies.

  9. After 2 years of speeches, does anyone know anything at all about Obama? I know he went to a racist church, had real estate dealings and funneled tax payer dollars to a felon, started his political career in the home of a terrorist, yet none of it I found out from him. All I've heard from him is his grandmother was a great woman, hope, change, and lies about McCain. Gee...

    Oh, yah, and he was just a POW. After almost dying on the deck of the Forrestal in one of the worst naval disasters in naval history, he deferred going home and instead asked to be sent to another aircraft carrier to continue serving his country. After 18 more missions his plane was hit by a surface to air missile, while ejecting parts of the plane hit him breaking his left knee, left leg, right arm in three place, then had his shoulder broken while being beaten after landing. And that was just the start...

    What did Obama do? Handed out flyers in Chicago, attended a racist church and made real estate deals with felons. McCain has a sense of country that you, I or Obama couldn't possibly fathom and I've been in a war zone. It doesn't qualify him to be president but is MUCH more important than to have someone like you simply dismiss.

  10. We still know that he does not know the economy.

  11. You mean to tell me that our electorate is so stupid that while McCain has been in the senate for 22 years, we have no idea where he stands on the issues and where he wants to take this nation, that we need to spell it out or just promise something to them.  We know where McCain stands on all the issues, because he has made that stand for 22 years.

  12. Yes, they kept the light on while he slept in his cell. I never knew that about his politics.

  13. I found out that he was  POW...

  14. If you don't know what McCain has done after all these years in Washington and having run in 2000, that information is available on the net.  

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