After three months of TTC I finallly got my BFP at 9 DPO. Here are a list of my symptoms.
1-2 DPO nothing reallly
3-4 DPO I got very sick to my stomach while eating my normal pack of donuts. So queasy I had to stop eating them.
5-6 DPO I had sharp cramping while BDing with DH just for fun. The cramps shot up to my abdomen.
7-8 DPO cramping, bright yellow pee, tired earlier than usual
9 DPO the reason I tested is because while DH and I were BDing it was very very intense way more than usual and I had several BIG O's. I read this morning that because of blood flow to that area it makes orgasms much more intense during early pregnancy. I decided to buy a test at lunch and low and behold I got a BFP. It was a faint line, but definitely there.
Baby dust to everyone TTC!