
After 30 years of drinking alcohol,need to stop how do i fill my time?

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how do i fill the time?after 30 years of alcohol.advice please?




  1. You might consider going to AA meetings because everyone there knows what you are experiencing and they can give you suggestions on how to fill your time AND how to live your life without alcohol.  It works better than trying to figure it out yourself.

  2. I reccomend you read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol

    Stopping with this book means you will be like a child in a sweet shop, loving every moment of your freedom from alcohol.

  3. According to my friends who have given up alcohol and/or drugs, you replace them with s*x and coffee. They also go to lots of AA or NA meetings!

  4. Good for you! You are on your way to better health. You will probably have a craving for sugar so you need to watch your diet...drink tons of water and use stevia as a sugar sodas, etc. Take up a new, out daily. Join a reading club, especially if you need to fill time in the evenings. You may need to discard some old drinking friends and find new friends that will be supportive as well as fun to know. Find a church, join a dancing class...write a book. I will be thinking of of luck!

  5. Fishing was a great answer... it is a great past time hobby to pick up. Spend time with your family and try to patch things up with them and reconnect. Think about all the things that you might have missed out on while you were drinking and do those things. Save up all the money that you would have spent on alcohol and buy a junky car and fix it up. Give it a new paint job, hook it up under the hood, put a nice body kit on it with some rims. Photography... start taking pictures with a digital camera and scrap book. Take vacations to reward yourself with your sobriety. Go site seeing. Model airplanes, puzzles, cooking. But fishing is the best past time of them all. Wake up bright and early pack a lunch, buy a good cup of coffee and fish all day until the bait runs out. Good luck and congrats on your new found sobriety!


  7. Look for some local activities.  Check with the staff at your local Library they may know some groups you can join.

    Get busy with people!  

    You might try photography, dance, book clubs, or something like Boxing or another Martial Art that needs sobriety.

  8. fishing

  9. Church of England Parish Council


    Local Politics

    Ramblers Association

    Local History & Architecture Society

    i have been clean for 5+ years and participate in all of the above!

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