
After 4 suicide attempts, how do I get them to trust me more? More psychiatric help?

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I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder a long time ago. I'm almost a regular in the psychiatric ward of our local hospital. Last Tuesday, I tried to kill myself for the fourth time in my life. I shouldn't be alive. Anyways, I recovered quickly and was released.

Since the second I got home, one of my four best friends of 12 years (half my life) has been on guard duty. They won't let me be alone, which I truly understand, but it sucks. 24 year olds don't need babysitters. I honestly am feeling better about myself, but they don't believe me. They have ridded my apartment of anything dangerous looking, including eating utensils. One of them sleeps in my home every night, but I don't care because she's amazing. If it were one of the guys, I would be mad. I know they're trying to take care of me, and I appreciate it, but I need some space.

How can I help them to trust me more so that I can spend some time alone? I already go to a psychiatrist, but do I need even more psychiatric help?

Thank you.




  1. It takes time to trust and the ones that don't trust are the very ones that love you and are afraid of losing you.  I am a survivor of suicide.  My husband and aunt committed suicide about 10 years apart.  They had mental issues caused by drugs.  We survivors feel guilty and torture ourselves wondering what we could have done different to avoid these tragedies.  We blame ourselves.  Your friends love you and value your life.  Please don't shut them out.  If you have a cell phone just promise you will call every hour and if you don't report in then they can come and find you.  I may not know you but I care.

  2. At least you know that you cant blame them, I would do the same for my friend - its good to hear you are getting better, its scary to have thoughts about taking you own life - I have had them before - it makes you feel really really really sad, not a lot of people are really that happy in this world - but people do love other people and it sounds like you have a lot of that - and friends and family are great - just think of the people you would hurt by being selfish and taking your life, it would really hurt theres - anyhow I did read that you are better and you want to know how to make them see it - sorry to say but it might take time - no one wants to fell like they should have done more and didnt - so just wait tell they think you better - dont ask them not to do anything enjoy having people who care around and dont worry about trying to get them to leave -

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