
After 5 days do you think that hawk parents could find thier baby? i know where about the parents are ....?

by  |  earlier

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A baby hawk flew to my husband at work and with out knowing what it was or what to do with it he brought it home. We just found out it was a baby hawk and know we can not keep it so do youthink if we bring it back up to his work after us having it for 5-7 days and taking care of it it's parents could find him or would I be better off trying to get it to a bird sanctuary now? I need help and do not know what to do...




  1. The parents may likely still be in the area you found the bird in as they are usually caring for more than just one baby at a time.  This bird was most likely a fledgling and was being cared for by it's should have never taken it.  ALL wild native birds are protected by law..not just hawks.  Your other option is to get the bird to a wildlife rehab.  Also, do NOT worry about your scent being on the bird..birds have a poorly developed sense of smell and will not abandon or kill a bird that has been touched by humans..this is just an old wives tale that many people still believe.  Look here for a rehab near you:

  2. I would call the fish and game dept in your state..

    I wouldn't risk its life and you sleepless nights wondering what happened to the lil guy..

  3. Get the baby to a bird sanctuary.

    If the parent hawks smell humans on the baby, they will kick it back out of the nest.

    It's sad... but its life.

    So find a bird sanctuary/rescue who can take the baby hawk off your hands and take care of it.

    Good Luck!

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