
After 7 day my flat agency didn'sign o stamp the 2 inventory form. so is valid the first one without comment

by  |  earlier

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I am concern about a inventory form signed before enter in the flat, but considered valiwithoutth comment within 7 day. The agency found excuse to not sign the second ( so we don't have prove we didi within 7 days):

Before enter in the flat my agency said that I and my boyfriend had to sign a inventory form. In this document it was written that would be binding if we did not write comment within 7 day.

After 7 day we went in agency with a copy of inventory form with comments but they didn'sign o stamp it.

I asked more then one time to have something to prove that we gave the comments but they took time.

I am worried because doors and floors are broken in some points.

What I can do to avoid thaey take advantage of thainventoryry?




  1. write to them giving them 48hours to respond

    tell them you will put it in the hands of alawyer

    if they do not comply deliver the letter by hand

    so you know they have it  keep a copy  

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