
After 7 years go i have to paythe company i owe before i get a phone again?

by  |  earlier

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After 7 years go i have to paythe company i owe before i get a phone again?




  1. Yes, you do.

  2. If you go back to the same company, yes.

    Different company, nope.  May have a higher initial deposit though.

  3. Michele, did you even misspell your name?

    You failed to honor basic rules of English, let alone spelling.  Capitalization is often avoided by people who want others to believe they are very important and, thus, too important to depress a shift button.  You even avoided a space between 'pay' and 'the' because you are too busy to check your typing before posting.    

    Because of your lack of respect for your readers, I offer two suggestions:  

    1.  Honor your commitment to the phone company, regardless of your current level of self-respect;

    2.  Learn to employ English so readers will not think you are a twit.

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