
After A Weed & Grass Killer Safe For Kids And Cats?

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i have a lot a flag stones in my garden,

But i get grass and weeds in the cracks.

What is the best killer i can buy and put on these to get rid,but is safe for kids and animals please.

I live in the UK




  1. well this is an easy one, the most effective and safe method of killing weeds and grass is boiling every time ,it may take a day or two to visually start dying but it sure will and it is of luck.

  2. there is a new brilliant one on the market which takes out the roots as way back from here. its shower proof in with all weedkillers children and pets should be kept away from them until they are dry,,,"weedol"is good ,knocks down anything green,,neutralises when it reaches the soil,becomes harmless and sprayed near trees the bark is unaffected,,,but the roots grow back,,,

    the new one is "resolva24"it kills everything in 24hrs,,,root and all,,,take care with overspray it kills any plant it touches grass included.

  3. motor oil is safe the kids and it will kill anything in your garden

  4. If your using any type of liquid dilute weedkiller,then it's safe once the wetted weed leaves have dried ie 10 mins

  5. Weedoll pathclear it comes in a spray bottle and you don't use a lot of it.  Its good and you put it on when its dry and its never given me any problems with my dogs,cats and children. I put it on and in a hour its dry then i let them out to play.

  6. no

  7. One thing that you can do is use fire or boiling water kill them.  Sure, it requires a little up-front work, but when you are done it is still perfectly safe.

    I have two dogs.

  8. Resolva24 is excellent but you can never guard against weed seeds from elsewhere being airborne,settling in your garden & starting the process all over again

    I know this to my cost as I live in a rural area & lots of fields nearby with weeds & wildflowers that all run to seed & get blown all over the place.

    You are just filling the coffers of the weed killer inventors if you don't understand this will happen again so it is an eternal & infernal job !

    Anyway,some weeds are good to look at & have pretty flowers too

  9. The best weed killer is to pull them out.

  10. Elbow grease

  11. No way! Buy some ,Preen. That prevents weeds from growing after you have pulled them out. After you have watered it in,and it drys,it is safe for kids and pets. If it were mine,I would use my propane torch on them. They make a hand held propane torch holder for weeds and is sold at garden supplies stores. But it does get hot,don't let your kids and dogs/cat go near until cooled. Byee Vinegar also is good!

  12. I use vinegar mixed with salt and a dash of dish soap in a spray bottle.  No harm to the kids or enviroment.  

  13. Gasoline will work, but it is probably more expensive than most brands of weed killer per gallon/liter.

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