
After AL gore invented the Internet do you think he can now save us from the global warming?

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After AL gore invented the Internet do you think he can now save us from the global warming?




  1. With Al, all things are possible. Except maybe winning an election.

  2. Certainly Mr. Gore can and will save us from global warming. Mr. Gore produced a movie called the incovenient truth. This movie make a person think how wonderful the earth would be with outglobal warming. Currently the ice bergs are melting and at the same time are endangering wild life. Mr. Gore views will be yard marker for the future generations. However Mr. Gores anwer to solving the gobal warminosimplethat seems to be completed by others. Mr.Gore deserved the Nobel Prize that he earned.

  3. Absolutely with his more recent invention - the carbon credit.  Paying Al for the right to pollute must be good for the environment.

  4. the religious debate is over

    al gore exists

  5. Was it the Internet or Global Warming that he invented?  Actually, there may be something to the global warming bit, but maybe not.  The data is not in, and various scientists are revising their ideas.  Still, Al Gore gets more mileage out of global warming than anyone else. Makes me wonder if his concern for the warming of the globe is as real as was his need for a new gig.

  6. Please his correct title "His popeliness on high of the global warming cultists.

  7. Someone has to, so why not him. Not likely that some person with lots of money in Oil is going to even try is it.

    I was watching a Nigerian news station earlier and even Nigeria has a group set up to find out how to reduce carbon emissions. Strange thing is they are putting more into this effort over the next ten years than Bush wanted to do.

  8. There is no such thing as Global warming it's just another Y2K, a hoax. It's just the Government.

  9. Not whilst i'm eating trees he wont!

  10. Why do most Americans dislike Al Gore. As a Brit I have read some of his statements about global warming and they do make sense to me. Am I missing something ?

  11. i dont support him with his carbon credit solution, but i support him with the "we need to use 100% renewable resources and only renewable resources". i dont know how thats going to take affect

  12. If he'd just keep his big yap shut that would go a long way toward cutting down greenhouse gasses.

  13. Yes i think he can. Hes a fookin genius after all

  14. Al Gore inventing the internet is highly debatable. The only way we can really fight global warming is if the nations as a whole make real, effective changes. No more plastic bags, more recycling, no more bottled water, yada yada yada...

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