
After Bindging Help?

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So yesterday was HORRIBLE, I ate donuts & pizza. Would it be stupid 2 take a laxative now since its probably stored in2 fat by now or would it still benefit me?




  1. i do that too, like i also eat so much the weeked before my period?! idk why but i do..just try to be active? and like try and control your cravings..your prob not hungry you just want the food, thats what happens to me. also if you keep yourself occupied you will tend to be less hungry since you wont be thinking about food

  2. Yep, laxatives after binging are stupid! And it won't help in this case.

    Instead of binging, why not just have a donut or slice of pizza when you want to? If you eat healthy most of the time and exercise, a little indulgence won't matter.

  3. There's no point in taking laxatives now. You're only going to dehydrate yourself.

  4. no it wont do anything.

    drink a lot of water though.

  5. Yes taking a laxative would be stupid.

    They do NOT help you lose fat and they will dehydrate you making you need to drink lots which in turn could make you gain temporary water weight. And they can give you diarrhoea which makes you feel horrible. Laxatives are only supposed to be used to help combat constepation , not lose fat.

    Just write of the donuts and pizza as a junk food day and eat healthy for a week. then treat yourself with a donut OR pizza ... not both :D

    Just go for a jog or work out for a while tomorrow. When you feel you need to binge I think you should bake something to pig out on , that way you know exactly what you are eating and while you make it you might think... Oh my gosh i'm such a pig if i'm going to eat a whole cake with loads of fat and sugar in .... or whatever  and you might realize that you don't want to pig out on it , and then you'll only eat a small amount of the junk food and still feel good.

    Comprende ?

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