
After China replaces the US as the leading world power will the world miss the US?

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After China replaces the US as the leading world power will the world miss the US?




  1. Yep, they'll be missing all the free foreign aid that we dole out on an annual basis.  Don't expect the chi coms to be as generous.

  2. me-thinks you assume too much. the chinese have many problems.

  3. Yupski.

  4. Okay, I give libs are going to have to have some sort of sign, so I can tell when you are DELIBERATELY being funny, versus when you just kind of stumble into it.

  5. I would like to know----and ponder frequently-----we have helped so many--yet they despise us---their reasons are unclear to me---and have discussed it with people from other nations and it just does not stack-up----my point is-----they would like to see us eat dirt----but who will they be able to count on is we do fail? sad situation all the way around.

  6. The United States will appear in the history textbooks in much the same way as the British Empire does.  If you read up on Britain in the 1800's and compare it to the USA 1950 - 2000, you'll see what I mean.

  7. The only way that will happen is if John McCain is elected!!!

    TRUST ME!!!

  8. Hey let's step back and let them have it, no one likes or appreciates the contry with the power. Let them have it and we can step back and concentrate on our problems. Pull the military back to the US and become friends with Mexico and Canada. Between us 3 we have everything we need, we dont need other countires other then those 2. But put the word out to all others were tired of being **** on and were stepping back BUT mess with us and UR TOAST. Terriost from Iran attacks us then level it for example. Tired of being world cop let someone else do it.

  9. If we keep spreading troops everywhere, intervene too much, spend overseas unwisely, and then, bankrupt ourselves, yes.

    China is reaching the superpower reign quick, while we are bankrupting ourselves into oblivion.  

  10. us is not going anywhere it will remain a super power for very long time  

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